Pocket PC OS Upgrade Frage
The Prophet 16.10.2004 - 13:30 996 4
The Prophet
Hallo !
Ich bin Besitzer eines HP IPAQ 5450 Pocket Pc und habe derzeit windows mobile 2003 drauf. Ich würde gerne wissen wie und wo ich meinen PPC auf Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition updaten kann. Auf der HP Homepage habe ich leider nichts gefunden. TIA
Big d00d
The Prophet
danke, aber da gibts leider nur einen Link für den Toshiba PDA. Hmm....irgendwas muss es ja geben
Big d00d
hoffe der link gibt mehr aufschluss http://www.ipaqabilities.com/review...ile_2003_se.php How do I get it on my iPAQ?
My contact at HP has informed me that HP will be releasing a ROM update for current iPAQ Pocket PC's from the H2200 series and up (H2200, H4100, H4300, H5100, and H5500 series). Even though I asked, there was no timeline given to me as to when we can expect the ROM updates to become available at HP's Support website.
Yes, that means the H1900, H3600, H3700, H3800, H3900, and H5400 series are being left out since these are not current models. This will quite potentially upset owners of those iPAQ's, especially the one's looking forward to these enhancements provided by Microsoft. Even though the H193x and H194x are current models, they are being left out because of memory limitations on its ROM.
Furthermore, future iPAQ Pocket PC's that will get released by HP will ship with Windows Mobile 2003, Second Edition pre-installed.
The Prophet
danke vielmals ! Schade...der HP Support ist ja echt *******e ! Ich hoff da gibts trotzdem irgednwie eine möglichkeit. immerhin ist der 5450 fast baugleich wie der 5550.