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inquirer: pentium 4 extreme edition

3Dfx 16.09.2003 - 22:34 1192 1


hardware freak
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Mittersill
Posts: 629

WHEN, AT today's IDF opening, Louis Burns demonstrated a high-definition video stream running on a "mystery" desktop processor, everyone must hve thought it was the upcoming Prescott part. Wrong! It was the (also upcoming), previously unheard of, even at The Inq, Intel® Pentium® 4 processor Extreme Edition 3.20 GHz , with an extra 2 Megabytes. In Intel's own words, "this new processor will be targeted at high-end gamers and computing power users."

However, this doesn't seem to be a new CPU in reality - after all, Intel is doing very well with its XeonMP 2.8 GHz 2 MB cache CPU, and how much effort does it really take to repackage it for the 3.2 GHz / 800 FSB desktop with less stringent thermal and reliability requirements than the big iron, anyway?

ist zwar von burns noch dementiert worden aber dennnoch: es ist ein gerücht


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