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Athlon XP "Barton" 3000+ ;)

crashman 14.09.2002 - 11:44 851 22


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 3639

Habs schon ! :D


visit www.rattenplage.tk
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Kloschüssel
Posts: 1044
für alle dies vielleicht immer noch ned checken
:"This article has attracted far more attention than I could have ever imagined. Let's get one thing straight: THIS IS A FAKE ARTICLE. A SPOOF, A SATIRE. You did not read a true Toms Hardware Guide article. I can't believe I actually have to say this, but I'm getting emails from readers who take issue with my obviously faked Barton core picture, or with the fact that I refrain from publishing the Sysmark results"


OC Addicted
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Vienna
Posts: 891
ich habs auch kaum glauben können wie ich auf aceshardware gelesen hab daß es leute gibt die das ernst genommen haben.
Vorallem weil es eine so offensichtliche parodie ist :D


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 3639


visit www.rattenplage.tk
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Kloschüssel
Posts: 1044
hab ich auch goil gefunden ;)


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: CH
Posts: 4737
oida.. da sieht ma wida was für a schrott intel is!
AMD is sooooo viel bessa!!!!!---weil:
der XP hat an realen Takt von 2366Mhz und der pentium aber "echte" 3ghz
da sag ich nur LOL@PENTIUM

edit: hat wer mei post glaubt?? :D:D:D
wenn ja dann LOL@THSI-GUY ;)


visit www.rattenplage.tk
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Kloschüssel
Posts: 1044
deine mama hat dir sicher geglaubt ;)


OC Addicted
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: Vienna
Posts: 891
"When it is optimized for Intel you have no problem reporting however when
the shoe is on the other foot you won't even show the results. Does not
matter whether one is for AMD or Intel, just print the results please and
keep the biased reporting to yourself. A concerned reader of ACCURATE,
UNBIASED reporting."

"I must say that if you wish to put up a page about a review that it be true
and correct.I mean come on the two pictures of the cpu's are exactly the
same and the steppings are the same as are the smears on the core from the
thermal compound you used. I mean if your going to print something then it
be true and honest. As for your Intel one I think the 3 gig one is possible
but any higher and you got to be over clocking the heck out of it. I know
that intel is sending out samples of the 3 gig cpu to major companies to
test right now. But we have yet to see anything newer then these out there
and highly doubt they are available to you yet.
sincerely Jon K."
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