"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Duron 750 @ ??

TommyD 19.12.2000 - 10:49 431 1


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Dec 2000
Location: vienna,vienna,au..
Posts: 1
Hi! I recently buyed a Duron 750 and i wanna overclock it. Could use some information on what i have to do, to definitely NOT destroy my system http://overclockers.gamers.at/ubb/smilies/smile.gif thx for any kinda response!


EV-WEB.at ownz me ;)
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Pöggstall /Wald..
Posts: 1290
lock the l1 bridges on top with a pencil or some silvercontact pen. Keep your cpu cool while overclocking (means use a good cooler like the globalwin FOP32 or the alpha pal6035) and post here in german http://overclockers.gamers.at/ubb/smilies/smile.gif this is a german written board.

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