UT 2k7 renamed and delayed

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JC schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 13:48

<div class="previewimage content"></div>Publisher Midway hat gestern während einer Presseveranstaltung angekündigt, dass die bislang unter dem Namen Unreal Tournament 2007 entwickelte Fortsetzung der Unreal Tournament-Reihe fortan Unreal Tournament 3 heißen wird. Zudem wurde das Release-Datum - welches noch nie richtig spezifiziert worden ist - nun vage auf das 2. Halbjahr 2007 "verschoben". Um das Ganze noch zu toppen, hat Midway auch die seit längerem kursierenden Gerüchte bestätigt, dass das Spiel auch für die Xbox 360 herauskommen wird.

JC schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 13:52

Der Screenshot stammt von der offiziellen Site (http://www.unrealtournament2007.com/).

IGN hat ebenfalls einen kleinen Bericht über die Änderungen.

b_d schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 13:59

endlich, den "namen" 2k3 haben sie ja eingeführt weil sie meinten dass jährlich ein ut erscheint :rolleyes:

TOM schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 14:44

in ut2008 umbenennen wäre ja peinlich gewesen ;)

versteh ich aber nicht, wieso sie noch immer so lange brauchen... die unreal3 engine muss ja fertig sein (gear of wars) und mapping/modding stuff wird die community ja sowieso wieder mehr als genug stellen... gibts da irgendwelche "insider"/Szene-Infos dazu ?

JC schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 14:49

Dürfte vielleicht mit Multi-Plattform-Development, insbesondere mit dem zusätzlichen Release für die Xbox 360 - zusammenhängen.

edit: aus dem IGN-Artikel:

Epic plans to provide advanced online changes to suit all three platforms [...]

dethspank schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 14:49

"You've seen the movies; you've heard the blurbs - basically it's all true: there are tons of nods back to the original Unreal Tournament. Dodging is very much like UT, the characters are large like UT, Death and feigning death are reminiscent to UT, and the weapons are loud and dangerous like UT. The answer to the question of the century: yes, the Shock Rifle primary and secondary fires at a rate much more similar to that of UT. And, of course, the game looks very good."

Quelle: beyondunreal / ESReality

New Trailer: click me

Screenshots: click me

Earthshaker schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 14:59

War auf jedenfall ne gute Entscheidung es auch für die Xbox zu programmieren. Der Onlinedienst ist da auf jedenfall schon viel weiter als bei der Ps3.

Ob das hier so gut ist ?

Epic plans to provide advanced online changes to suit all three platforms [...]

Wenn ich sowas lese fällt mir immer gleich das Deus Ex2 Steuerungsdebakel ein

cApn krunsH schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 15:08

Wenn ich sowas lese fällt mir ein meinen wii zu verkaufen und mir eine xbox360 zuzulegen.... mal schaun wie sich das mit nintendo noch entwickelt

ill schrieb am 26.01.2007 um 16:02

das neue logo erinnert mich irgendwie an quake 3, hmm

JC schrieb am 30.01.2007 um 12:04

Game Informer: One of the things you announced today is that you’re bringing Unreal 3 to Xbox 360. Was this something that was always happening, or is this something new?

Mark Rein: I think it was the realization that we might be able to sell a few copies on this PS3. We had a little success on Xbox 360, and we might be able to sell a few copies there.

GI: Was this something that you guys were planning on doing from day one?

Rein: Not necessarily. One of our big concerns was the ability to bring mods to the platform, and it’s still a bit of an open issue, but we’ve had some pretty clear indications that we’ll be able to do it, and we’re pretty excited about that. That was kind of the one thing, we wanted to make sure we’d be able to bring user-created content to the platform before we made a firm commitment to it. Honestly, we view Gears of War as our showcase title for the 360, and we really view UT as our showcase title for the PS3. Now that we shipped Gears, people who are interested in licensing our technology can see we have a mature title that works, it plays really well, it sold great. We’ve always felt that UT was our poster child for PS3, you know getting UT done and up and running and running well would give us the same sort of benefits that Gears has given us on 360. So that was always our focus, and now you’ve obviously seen that we have this ability to potentially sell a lot of copies. There’s a large audience, and it just makes sense to do. I don’t think it’s anything we thought we weren’t going to do–we just want to focus on UT3 on PS3 to start.
Interview @ GameInformer

hynk schrieb am 01.02.2007 um 09:41

hab ich unreal tournament 2 versäumt? :D

na mir is so egal wie sie es nennen solang sie meine erwartungen erfüllen.
und wenns für die xbox360 kommt könnt das auch wieder ein netter online titel werden, im gegensatz zu dem auf der xbox

JC schrieb am 01.02.2007 um 11:29

Interview mit Produzent Jeff Morris | UT3 Preview @ CVG

So first off - why the name change? Does that mean Epic is stepping away from the yearly, sports angle for Unreal Tournament?

Jeff Morris:
Well we were never really going to do it on a yearly rotation so it didn't make a lot of sense from that angle. The technology was a good reason to do it as well; Unreal Tournament 2004 included all of the content from Unreal Tournament 2003 so in the hardcore players' eyes they were always sort of the same product. Also UT '99 was UE1, UE2 and then this is UE3 so that was a good angle as well.

And in order the deliver a good single-player component we needed to make sure that people knew this was a break from what we'd done in the past where we just had the basic ladder for you to go through. And you know, we want to ship in 2007 but if the game's not done we're not going to and because of that, we don't want to try and sell a game that says 2007 in 2008.

I will say though we were really surprised by how well received it was by the fans, because weeks ago when we decided to do this we were looking at the forums and they were already calling it UT3 then and didn't like 2007, today they were doing wallpapers for UT3 and we were like "did it leak?!" No - that's just what they thought it was going to be and it turned out on the forums they just loved it, they thought it was a return to what they wanted in the first place.

When you get the hardcore on your side and have that ground swell of word of mouth - normally you've got this big surprise and everybody's all 'that's no big surprise!' but with this they were like 'whoa!' They just felt really gratified.

JC schrieb am 14.02.2007 um 08:37

Preview @ CVG

Liandri Corp has a problem. A problem with three legs, two drivers, and a horrible death beam that scorches the earth, leaving carcasses of vehicles in its wake. Currently, that problem is smack in the centre of a CTF map that Epic are letting myself and a few fellow journalists play, I'm driving it, and I'm whooping for unadulterated joy.

It's called the Dark Matter Walker, and it's just about the most fun I've had in a vehicle, since... well. Two minutes ago. When I was on a hoverboard, hitching a lift to the front line by hooking on to the back of a speeder bike with an electric rope. The Dark Walker is slow; it takes a good minute or so to get into position. In the meantime you can play with its height. The flexible legs allow you to duck under any obstacle. Or you could fiddle with the alternate fire. It's a concussive burst that knocks anyone on foot backward, ready to be picked off.

hynk schrieb am 14.02.2007 um 09:22

es wird einfach wieder der absolute lan wahnsinn wenn ut3 heraussen is.
ich freu mich schon mächtig :D

MrBurns schrieb am 14.02.2007 um 19:20

Zitat von JC
Interview mit Produzent Jeff Morris | UT3 Preview @ CVG

Das klinkt ja so, als wenn es erst 2008 auf den Markt kommen würde... :bash:

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