URL: https://www.overclockers.at/number-crunching/quotcracking_for_austriaquot_nur_mehr_einen_platz__7571/page_1 - zur Vollversion wechseln!
Geht doch !
Ja ja morgn sind sie Geschichte
hehe, und morgen unter den top 600
bis so Platz 300 werdn ma schon noch kommen oder?
hehe, und schon sind wir unter den to 600
Mit etwas Glück könnt sich das ausgehn...Zitat von r2g2Yes.![]()
bis so Platz 300 werdn ma schon noch kommen oder?
big lol
und morgen hama karanet und wir sind austrias best cracking team
ghört gefeiert!
flasche bier aufmach
blue wir haben Kranet schon!!! nur sind die stats hinten (((((((((
jo die stats im 3 tages takt gfalln mir überhaupt ned ;(
i möcht spätestens um mittag schaun wieviel i gflusht hab...
aber ned mittag des übernächsten tages...ARGL
die machen jetzt einen Serverumzug -> wir müssen uns gedulden.
Hoffentlich sind die bald fertig.ZitatGreetings, folks.
The master server will be offline for much of tonight and tomorrow morning
while it is couriered by FedEx Express to one of our new colo facilities.
I appreciate all the colo offers that I have received. I am splitting up our
network a bit and this is just one of our new homes. For those of you that have
offered space and haven't heard back from me, I apologize for the delay. Moving
the master has been priority one and then I will work on moving the rest of the
equipment. I'm still interested in the offers that I received and plan to make
use of at least one, if not two, of them.
I currently have no plan to bring up a secondary master during the down time .
As a result, the proxy network will back up a bit and stats will be delayed We.
will catch up the network and the stats server within a day or so .
The master will be taken down at approximately 20:00CDT (01:00UTC) to prepare
it for shipment. Unfortunately, in AUS, the last FedEx Express drop-off time is
at 21:00CDT. We expect the equipment to be back online at the new colo facility
by about 15:00EDT (19:00UTC) That ultimately leaves us with about 18 hours of
down time.
This should be the new permanent home of the master server for many years to
come. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to pulling this off.
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