Neues Overclocking-Tool Precision noch diese Woche! - Seite 3
URL: - zur Vollversion wechseln!
s!LeNt_tR!ggEr schrieb am 23.05.2008 um 09:56
.dcp schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 12:13
wo sind die ganzen gfxler ?!
jez musste ich wieder basteln 
--> Skin-File Downloaden <--
edit: FIXED!
hoffe es gefällt.
Oxygen schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 15:14
nice thx! 
aber da hats noch was, mit und ohne ausgeklapten profilen:


das prog hat aber noch einige bugs, wenn ich zb ein profil lade schaltet sich der link immer ein...
.dcp schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 15:19
thx, fixed
click here
Oxygen schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 15:26
das ging ja schnell, funzt jetzt thx 
Turrican schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 17:01
sieht wirklich toll aus 
Starsky schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 18:48
ich verwende zwar version 1.02, kann aber dennoch keine profile anlegen?! 
Sputnik schrieb am 24.05.2008 um 19:09
funktioniert auch sehr gut auf meiner 7950GTXgo
daisho schrieb am 29.05.2008 um 17:45
Etwas kleineres Update diesmal:
EVGA Precision v1.1.1 (2008-05-27)
- Link button state is no longer restored improperly when loading the profiles under certain conditions
daisho schrieb am 19.07.2008 um 17:25
EVGA Precision v1.3.1 (2008-07-18)
- Fixed default On-Screen Display
- Fixed issue with missing uninstaller after clean installation
EVGA Precision v1.3.0 (2008-07-17)
- EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 2.7.0. New server uses more agressive hooks unload routines aimed to minimize the situations which require system reboot during server uninstallation
- Added more detailed warnings to reboot prompts displayed by the uninstaller
- Automatic re-connection to Logitech G15 LCD display allows restoring output to LCD display when G15 software is being dynamically started or restarted
- Now profiles panel visibility button physically toggles visibility of each profile slot button to give more freedom to third party skin creators
- Improved hardware monitoring module flexibility:
- Now you can optionally disable rarely used graphs and change graphs order
- On-Screen Display, Logitech keyboard LCD display and tray icon monitoring support can be enabled individually for each graph now
- Tray text color can be configured individually for each graph now
- Added optional framerate graph
- Now you can select one of 4 predefined raster fonts for Logitech keyboard LCD display output or even add your own raster fonts if needed - Floating tooltips based help system is no longer controlled by "Show user interface hints" option. Now there are separate "Show user interface hint icons" and "Show user interface tooltips" options allowing disabling hint icons and floating tooltips independently
- Added "Lock profiles" button allowing protecting the profiles from unwanted modification via both keyboard and graphical user interface
- Added optional settings override tracking system, allowing the Precision to detect external attempts to override Precision settings (e.g. overclocking via third party overclocking tool) and restore original Precision settings either manually or automatically depending on selected tracking mode
- Various internal code cleanups and optimizations
- Now Precision is able to detect memory clock frequency generator switching to PCIE bus clock and display correct idle 100MHz memory clock frequency on GeForce GTX 260 / 280 series graphics cards
EVGA Precision v1.2.0 (2008-06-17)
- Added GeForce GTX 260 / 280 series graphics cards support
- Added floating tooltips based help system. New tooltips are also affected by previously available "Show user interface hints" option and can be disabled by unchecking it
- Improved overlapped controls support in skin engine
- Improved installer and uninstaller. Now user is prompted to reboot the system if some Precision component (e.g. On-Screen Display server's hook library) is blocked by OS and such component can be automatically updated / removed after reboot
Download/Mirror (v1.3.1)
lalaker schrieb am 19.07.2008 um 17:34
Herzlichen Dank an .dcp.
Ich hätte ja eigentlich das Tool links liegen gelassen. Jetzt aber, wo es für die Community "personalisiert" wurde, werde ich es verwenden. v4.thecommunity
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