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Zurück in die Vergangenheit (Quantum Leap) Drinking Game

retro 12.05.2005 - 15:30 1047 5


computer says no
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: XXII
Posts: 3260

* If Al is in uniform at any point during the episode, take two drinks for each condition met.
* For "The Leap Back", substitute Sam for Al and Al for Sam regarding conditions that are Leaper and/or Observer specific.

Take a drink when...

* looks in the mirror.
* says "Oh, boy".
* fumbles around because he doesn't know someone's name.
* gets into a fistfight (an extra drink if he performs a 'flying noodle kick').
* "predicts" history.
* leaps out while hugging someone.
* makes an excuse for why he can't remember something.
* speaks in a foreign language.
* asks Al how long he's been there and Al replies, "Long enough to...".
* leaps before his birthday (Aug. 8, 1953).
* takes his shirt off (an extra drink if he takes something else off).
* gives an inspirational speech.
* pretends to talk on the phone so he can talk to Al.
* does something that is physically impossible for the leapee to do.
* leaps outside the United States.
* plays the piano.
* says that he has never been more embarrassed in his life.
* wears a dress.
* runs into someone he knows or used to know.
* tries to convince someone he's not really the leapee.
* plays an instrument other than a piano.
* sleeps with a woman (take another drink if it's Donna).
* * makes a comment about being a woman.
* * says "That's impossible."
* * sends Al to watch someone.
* + talks poignantly of Elk Ridge, Indiana (extra drink if he also mentions something that he and Tom used to do together as boys).
* + sings or dances.
* + disregards what Ziggy says he's there to do because of a feeling in his gut or the look in her eye.
* + mentions the simo-leap.
* + experiences symptoms or memories particular to the leapee.
* + kisses the girl.
* + leaps into a non-human.


* slaps the handlink.
* has a cigar (an extra drink if he's actually smoking it).
* mentions an ex-wife (take an extra drink if it's his first wife, Beth).
* has trouble remembering which wife was which.
* talks about Tina.
* yells to Gooshie from the Imaging Chamber.
* passes through something (an extra drink if he passes through someone).
* doesn't hear Sam because he's too busy eyeing a woman (an extra drink if Sam has to whistle to get Al's attention).
* runs off synonyms for 'zero' (an extra drink if he runs off synonyms for something else).
* bemoans the fact that he can't eat because he's a hologram.
* pops out without using the Imaging Chamber door.
* brings an object other than a cigar or the handlink into the Imaging Chamber.
* tries to sing.
* tells Sam someone's going to die (an extra drink if that someone is Sam; two extra drinks if that person is going to die because Sam changed history).
* tells a lewd tale.
* says the words, "Boy, she had the nicest set of..."
* says, "Ain't that a kick in the butt?" (wording does not have to be exact).
* wants to get into a fistfight.
* complains that they need more power from Ziggy.
* stops in mid-phrase or mid-word when trying to read data from Ziggy.
* flicks ashes or blows cigar smoke at someone.
* says "Oh, boy."
* talks about a woman other than Tina, implying a relationship in the present tense.
* wears black leather.
* fades out due to some technical difficulties.
* does something he shouldn't be able to do as a hologram (climb stairs, climb hills, sit in a chair, etc.).
* * makes a comment about Sam being a woman.
* * instructs Sam how to do something (an extra drink if Al learned how to do it from an ex-wife).
* * says "That's impossible."
* * mentions a pet of Tina's.
* * uses technobabble instead of simply saying, "We don't know."
* + denies remembering the simo-leap.
* + mentions Gooshie's bad breath.
* + calls someone a nozzle.
* + mentions having recently been or planning a trip to Las Vegas.
* + uses "bingo", "bango", or "bongo" in a sentence (finish the drink if he uses all three).
* + accuses Sam of falling in love with someone.
* + looks gravely concerned about Sam.

Sam and/or Al:

* go into the bathroom in order to talk (an extra drink if Al complains about that).
* relate a personal experience in some way related to the leap.
* talks to God.
* * say, "Oh, boy," together.


* makes a remark about Sam's 'Swiss cheesed' memory (the words 'Swiss cheese' must be used).
* makes a comment about Al's wardrobe.
* other than Sam sees, hears, or otherwise senses Al (including animals).
* catches Sam 'talking to himself'.
* sees Sam for who he really is.
* other than Sam or Al says "Oh, boy."
* has or mentions calla lillies.

The Viewers:

* see the Imaging Chamber door.
* discover another skill Sam has.
* see someone from the project other than Al.
* * learn something else Al did in his past.
* see Sam's reflection from the leapee in the Waiting Room.
* see someone other than Sam leap.
* see the future or the project.
* meet somebody else named Sam or Al (finish the drink if we meet a Gooshie or Ziggy).
* * learn another one of Sam's Ph.D.'s.
* + see a member of the Bellisario family or someone from the crew in the episode (an extra drink if you don't realize it until the credits, two extra drinks if you only knew because someone told you).
* see two Als.
* see Sam's reflection in the mirror coming from Sam.
* never see Sam's reflection (what the leapee looks like).

Your Tape Contains:

* a Leap Week ad.
* one of those dumb "Quantum Quiz" puns.
* an ad for next week's QL.
* the original last-leap, this-leap voiceover instead of a saga-cell.
* end credits that aren't talked over by a network announcer.
* end credits with other than the usual theme.
* an advertisement customized for QL.

Other Conditions:

* Gooshie is referred to as a "little guy with bad breath."
* A reference is made to the heavenly entity controlling Sam's leaps.
* Some mention is made of a relationship between Tina and Gooshie.
* You spot an overdub (actors' lips don't match the soundtrack; an extra drink if you can lip read what they were originally saying).
* Your tape contains any of the following:
* The leap takes place on either Sam or Al's birthday (Aug. 8 or Jun. 15).
* There's a 'kiss with history' (where interaction with a celebrity or participation in a historical event is not the main focus of the episode).
* There's a Buddy Holly song playing (an extra drink if Buddy Holly is there singing it).
* + There's a reference to another Belisarius Production (an extra drink if we hear or see it playing).
* + The girl kisses Sam.
* + One of the guest stars appeared in a previous episode as a different character.
* Ziggy is making life difficult in some way.
* Ziggy's prediction as to why Sam was there was wrong (Sam had to do something else to leap than what he spent most of the episode doing).
* Something Sam does directly effects Project Quantum Leap (either the personnel or its operations).
* There are more leaps than the standard leap-in and leap-out.
* There's someone else in the Imaging Chamber besides Al (whether we see them or not).
* There's an internal reference to Quantum Leap or another Quantum Leap episode.
* The leap is dependent on a historical event or the involvement of a celebrity.
* The leap makes a radical change in his and/or Al's past.
* The leap takes place on your birthday (regardless of year).

Call out "Keep the Leap!" and take a chug when:

* Someone explains the string theory of Quantum Leaping.

Also wenn noch jemand Quantum Leap Fan ist kann er ja gern mal vorbeikommen ;)
Bearbeitet von retro am 13.05.2005, 13:22


waffle, waffle!
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: wien
Posts: 794
für alle, die die serie nicht kennen (so wie ich):



computer says no
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: XXII
Posts: 3260
Der deutsche Titel ist Zurück in die Vergangenheit ...
die serie ist von 1992 an am SO auf RTL um 11.00 gesendet worden - bitte das ist doch eine typische Geek Serie Quantenphysik und Geschichte ich glaubs nicht das die hie niemand kennt


Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Wien ❤️
Posts: 8896
war das die wo er im vorspann auf der straße steht und ein auto durch ihn durchfahrt? ich glaub die hab ich gesehen.. aber es gab so viele von denen..
und dann hats noch eine gegeben wo der held in die vergangenheit gekommen ist um straftäter mit einem blauen strahl zu "blitzdingsen" um sie zurückzuholen..der hatte afair eine weibliche VR assistentin.
und dann gabs noch sliders. die serie war w00t. bis zu einer gewissen staffel, wo der komplette originalcast ausgestiegen ist, und dann wurde weitergemacht mit komplette anderen schauspielern, die aber die selben namen und rollen spielten :bash:


Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Disneyland
Posts: 1868
Das ist kein 'Drinking Game', das ist suizid durch Alkohol

zB 'oh boy' sagt er in jeder Folge min. 2-3 mal


computer says no
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: XXII
Posts: 3260
Noch ein paar dt Informationen zur Serie

OH ich hab den Disclaimer weggelassen:

Disclaimer: This list is intended to be fun. Please, always drink in moderation, know your limits, and never ever drink and drive.
Bearbeitet von retro am 15.07.2010, 21:42
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