zankarne 24.02.2002 - 23:07 606 1
Legend no Custom User Text
12:45. restate my assumptions.
one: mathematics is the language of nature. two: everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. three: if you graph the numbers, patterns emerge. therefore: there are üatterns everywhere in nature.
evidence: the cycling of disease epidemics the wax and wane of caribou populations sun spot cycles the rise and the fall of the nile so what about the stock market? the universe of numbers that represents the global economy millions of hands at work, billions of minds. a vast network, screaming with life. an organism. a natural organism. my hyopthesis: within the stock market there is a pattern as well, right in front of me. hiding behind the numbers. alaway has been.
12:50. press return.
Admirable @ zankarne...
Wahnsinns text.... einfach unglaublich...