"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

middle finger joke

rettich 23.06.2003 - 17:37 662 6


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A long time ago there was this little Italian boy in the
fields with his dad. Looking at his dad's hands, the boy
say's "papa, you do many many things with your hands, tell
me about your fingers."
"Well Tony," Papa said, "You see this first finger? You
usea thisa one to pointata what evea you wanta. You see youa
thumb? You usea thisa for turna pages in a book, and your
ringa finger, you will use whena you get a married, and your
little finga, you use to picka you nose. And the middle
finga, well, I'lla tella you about thata one when you getta
Well, Tony was satisfied with that and time past. It was
now Tony's wedding day. It was a beautiful wedding, just
before the bride and groom left, Tony went to have a talk
with Papa. Tony said "Papa, many a year I use this finger
to point at what I want, and I turna many a pages with my
thumb, I've picked my nose with this little one, now I have
a beautiful ring on my finger from the love of my life, but
Papa, what is it I do with this middle finger?"
Papa drew close to Tony and said "Tony tonight you will
make mad hot love to your woman many times and you may become
tired, when that happens and your woman turns to you again
wanting to makea the love againa, that's when you takea your
middle finga and you poka on her head and say, 'Go back to
sleep you silly woman!' "



Dual CPU-Fetischist
Registered: Dec 2002
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so kann mans auch machen :D:D


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Become like water
Registered: Oct 2000
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:D haha


schaut mal wieder rein
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 1388
find ich überhaupt nicht wirtzig, aber das english ist seltam


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
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auf deutsch wärs sicha lustiger gwesn


Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 558
Zitat von sh3nsh3ll
auf deutsch wärs sicha lustiger gwesn

geh wo :D Ich steh mirs auf diese English-Italian Jokes, so keep em coming :)
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