Geek my Ride
JC 02.05.2005 - 07:45 592 2
Geek my Ride @ ExtremeTechThis is chapter 18 from the new ExtremeTech book, Geek My Ride, published by Wiley. The book shows you how to mod your car with the ultimate in computer technology. It includes 15 cool projects, complete with step-by-step instructions for adding electrical outlets, installing satellite radio and mobile Wi-Fi, and building in-car DVD systems Installing a USB Hub in Your Dash
I was getting tired of having to run USB cables to my computer under the seat. Having a USB hub on the floor didn't seem like a good idea either. I decided I could take my ashtray and a micro USB 2.0 hub and add the hub directly to my car's dash. This made it easy for me to connect my iPod, removable storage devices, game controllers, and more to my car without dealing with a lot of messy cables. Here's how I did it.
If you don't have a removable ashtray or you don't have one that can fit a hub, you can still add a hub to your car. Mounting the hub inside your center console or in your glovebox, or even cutting into your dash and mounting it there, can be just as effective. If you decide to cut into your car to make a hole for the hub, make sure you know where you're cutting. You don't want to cut through any critical wires or get an electric shock.
trenbolon rockt
sowas ähnliches gabs auch mal bei pimp my ride, mit einem tablet pc im handschuhfach, mit voice recognition und sämtlichen spielchen, darauf könnte man auch aufbaun, usb hub, wlan adapter, da gäbe es einiges, aber auf eine sehr gute alarmanlage sollte man nicht verzichten
Ich frag mich eh immer, wie schnell die Kisten von Pimp my Ride gestohlen werden. Erst vorgestern wieder gesehen, und gedacht ich fall um, als am Schluss der ge-pimpte meinte "Finally my Friends will accept me, for what i have".. lol.. wars nicht mal "for what i am" ?