"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Eure SANDRA Benchmark Werte?

Ulukay 06.01.2001 - 22:13 676 1


Registered: Sep 2000
Posts: 213
Thunderbird 750@1000
256MB Infineon 133MHZ 2-2-2

Dhrystone ALU 2796
Dhrystone FPU 1364

Integer MMX Enh 5645
Floation-Point 3DNow Enh 6851

Int ALU/RAM Bandwidth 475
Float FPU/RAM Bandwidth 556


2 l33t 4 u
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: 1110 Wien
Posts: 1718
Processor(s) >
Processor(s): AMD Athlon(tm) Processor @ 999MHz
Performance Rating: PR1329 (estimated)
Total System Load: 100%
System Threads: 89

<<< CPU Benchmark >>>

< Benchmark Results >
Current Processor, Chipset: Dhrystone ALU 2731 MIPS
Current Processor, Chipset: Whetstone FPU 1355 MFLOPS
<<< CPU Multi-Media Benchmark >>>

< Benchmark Results >
Current Processor, Chipset: Integer MMX Enh 5505 it/s
Current Processor, Chipset: Floating-Point 3DNow! Enh 6683 it/s
<<< Memory Benchmark >>>

< Benchmark Results >
Current Memory System: Int ALU/RAM Bandwidth 498 MB/s
Current Memory System: Float FPU/RAM Bandwidth 600 MB/s
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