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/\/\etallic/-\ rulez!

Angelfire 09.05.2001 - 20:25 2454 55


Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 21817
Bay Area Thrashers war noch Mc Govney, Deus ex machina. Nur als Info :)


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Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Wien
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Also Kill´em all, ride the lightning und master of pupets waren die cliff burton zeiten, 1986 is er auf tour in schweden gewesen.
da war er mit bus unterweges, dieser ist ins schleudern gekommen, er is rausgeflogen und dann vom bus überfahren worden...


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Registered: Nov 2000
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@h4p3 sag mal kill´em all war doch 1. met. album(82)


Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 21817
Stimmt schon, jedoch is Bay Area Trashers - The Early Days zwar 1998 erschienen, beinhaltet aber nur Lieder vor ~1980, u.a. Hit the Lights usw. mitm McGovney, wissen nur wenige Leute, da das Album net so verbreitet ist.


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Registered: Nov 2000
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Achso ich weis schon was du meinst...
Das waren die Vorabsongs von der Kill´em all
wie z.B. The Mechanics
oder When the hell freeze over...
Die san so ziemlich alle auf der Kill´em all nur halt anderer namen meistens und bischen anders gespielt...

mhh sag mal kann ich vieleicht des album haben?


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Naja wäre schon geil so bei 160 oder 192....


Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 21817
Waeh, 128 reicht :)


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Registered: Nov 2000
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Posts: 1556
nana zwischen 128 und 160 merkt man schon unterschied...


Big d00d
Registered: Feb 2001
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Posts: 318
hab ich grad auf ner metallica-fanpage gefunden:

[QUOTE] the new album 2001

kirk hammett - finding different ways to channel that energy and aggression we have, taking a few different creative roads that we haven't taken.
i don't think there will be any drum loops or sequencers, not that i can forsee at this point. we're not about to become the next fatboy slim. but manipulated sounds, guitar sounds and samples definitely have some room in our future.
the faith that those guys have in me is stronger than it's ever been. frankly, i'm just really excited. i know james has a lot of strong material, and i know that i have a lot of strong material. i'm actually looking forward to going back in the studio.
the symphonic thing really opened up things for us. it was one of the greatest musical experiences i've ever had. i loved it.

lars ulrich - words that come to my mind are harsh, ugly, noisy and big, fat fucking guitar riffs.
i personally want the next album to be really brutal and harsh and fucked up and ugly. those are the words that come to mind when i think of the next record, especially brutal and harsh. i wanna make a really harsh record, i think we've done enough of the blues-based english riffage that we've been having so much fun with for the last three albums. for me, that's out of my system.
the next metallica record is one that i want to be brutal and fucked up. it's been so long since we've written songs, and i think there've been so many advances in terms of sound possibilities and technology, that i really look forward to embracing it all and trying something new with regards to sounds and approach.
it's not going to be experimenting with loops and sounding like rob fucking zombie. it's about fusing elements from the advances that are around us with the songs we come up with, the riffs we write and james' melodies. for me, there's a tenacity which insures that when metallica puts out a record in 2001, we'll still be contenders, relevant and viable, at least in our own minds. i'm really looking forward to that. i'm anxious to do it.
i don't think we need to leave the bay area to make that record. i think we need to not make the record at the plant. and also, as bob rock was pointing out the other day, the way technology is going, we don't even need a recording studio. maybe we could rent a house somewhere, a factory space, a warehouse, a garbage dump, whatever.

james hetfield - we've got to do it more like we did garage inc. we go in and play the songs, practice the **** out of 'em, know them better and feel better. we'll pick 'em to death but we don't wanna pick each other to death. we spend to much time on the details, and i think we can just rehearse the **** out of it and go in and record them. as far as material, whoever comes up with the best material that's it. i'd love everyone to fucking come in with the best shit. [/QUOTE]




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Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 1556
na pfui metallica...
mhh ich wette mit dir das beim nächsten album auch ein gastauftritt von da kelly family is...
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