"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Es hat begonnen :)

tombman 05.05.2002 - 21:43 565 9


the only truth...
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Bearbeitet von tombman am 05.05.2002, 21:48


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17898
Interessant, die Frage nach den Sicherungskopien wollte ich auch schon stellen. Hat sich jetzt wohl erübrigt. :p

BTW: Was für DVDs verwendet die PS2? Ein- oder 2-Schichtig?


Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2001
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2 Layer einseitig -> also 9 GB Scheiben.
Liest aber auch ver. CD-R und CD-RW sowie DVD-R und DVD-RW.
Halo hat z.B. über 3GB da kannst mit den CD´s schei** gehn :)

Jetzt fehlt nur mehr der Chip dazu -> funzt ja nur auf Dev. Box´n.

Edit: Video is ein Fake!!

XBox-Scene.com News

As much as I WANTED to believe that the video was real theres just too much obviousness in it that it is fake. I watched the video ATLEAST 20 times... and i bought it for the first 8-10 or so... BUT then i noticed tiny problems untill it was 100% obvious that it was not legit, which I will go through right now.

#1 The scribble frame between Xbox Logo and BloodWake logo (someones changing the channel)
#2 When he ejects the game it says channel3, THEN goes to the Xbox logo, THEN the console (biggest give away is right there... when you use tvmode's on a tvmode it goes TVinput1, TVinput2, Antenna/Cable input. So DVDRW Xbox was TVInput1, bloodwake was input2, and they had to pass over Cable input before they got back to input1. The xbox continues to send a Signal to the Television when it is on, even when ejecting, so there is 0% reason it should say Ch3)
to top THAT off when he switches back to input1 it hasnt registered that hes ejected it yet so it still has the XBox logo before it goes back to the console

oh and a slighter less convincing reason:
#3 the controller he reaches for is very far off to the right, and as hes moving the controller it doesnt wiggle or move at all with his movements.

Sorry to dissapoint everyone, but it is truely blatantly obvious once you look over all those facts

This new information only refers to the VIDEO, the ISO's are still legit, just they are not CURRENTLY useable for the Retail Xbox.

PS. ok... people have given good reasons why my reasons are wrong... anyway Ive heard from "somewhat" reliable sources that it is fake. So maybe my reasons arent accurate but its still not a REAL video.. but like i said the ISO's are..... the "day" is approaching

hmmm suppose besides inputs it could be a debug xbox with a regular case.. anyone know what the dash looks like on the debug? oh well Im over it.. time to look ahead, thanks for your input guys
Bearbeitet von Steve793 am 05.05.2002, 22:05


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Zitat von Cobase
BTW: Was für DVDs verwendet die PS2? Ein- oder 2-Schichtig?

ich denk mal dvd-5 medien


Registered: Mar 2000
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Zitat von zankarne
ich denk mal dvd-5 medien
lies den heise artikel ...


Registered: Dec 2001
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(Preis für ein DVD-R-Medium knapp 8 Euro)

die haben vor kurzem noch ca. 20 € gekostet...


Registered: Jun 2001
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Zitat von ][Murph][
die haben vor kurzem noch ca. 20 € gekostet...

Tja das war einmal (gottseidank).


Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Germany
Posts: 381
öhmm, also ich hab bei nem kumpel schon nen gebranntes game gezoggt...
gehen tuts... kein plan wie...

[€dit] uuups... war ne PS2 uups, sorry, vergesst es... [/€dit]
Bearbeitet von Have am 05.05.2002, 23:23


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 9496
Is ja auch egal obs jetzt fake is oder ned, Hauptsache es wird daran gearbeitet. ISOs ziehen geht schon mal und brennen kann man es auch, dh, irgendwann kommen die mod chips und das wars dann :)


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