"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

auweh, jetzt greift die musikindustrie zu harten mitteln

LeadToDeath 30.05.2002 - 12:17 1940 23


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
Music Industry Unveils New Piracy-Proof Format: A Black, Plastic Disc With Grooves On It

Music bosses have unveiled a revolutionary new recording format that they hope
will help win the war on illegal file sharing which is thought to be costing the
industry millions of dollars in lost revenue.
Nicknamed the 'Record', the new format takes the form of a black, vinyl disc
measuring 12 inches in diameter, which must be played on a specially designed
"We can state with absolute certainty that no computer in the world can access
the data on this disc," said spokesman Brett Campbell. "We are also confident
that no-one is going to be able to produce pirate copies in this format without
going to a heck of a lot of trouble. This is without doubt the best anti-piracy
invention the music industry has ever seen."
As part of the invention's rigorous testing process, the designers gave some
discs to a group of teenage computer experts who regularly use file swapping
software such as Limewire and gnutella and who admit to pirating music CDs.
Despite several days of trying, none of them were able to hack into the disc's
code or access any of the music files contained within it.
"It's like, really big and stuff," said Doug Flamboise, one of the testers. "I couldn't
get it into any of my drives. I mean, what format is it? Is it, like, from France or

Invention: Teenage computer hackers struggled to access the new disc.

In the new format, raw audio data in the form of music is encoded by physically
etching grooves onto the vinyl disc. The sound is thus translated into variations
on the disc's surface in a process that industry insiders are describing as
'completely revolutionary' and 'stunningly clever.'
To decode the data stored on the disc, the listener must use a special player which
contains a 'needle' that runs along the grooves on the record surface, reading the
indentations and transforming the movements back into audio that can be fed
through loudspeakers.
Even Shawn Fanning, the man who invented Napster, admits the new format will
make file swapping much more difficult. "I've never seen anything like this," he
told reporters. "How does it work?"

Pirates: Their days are numbered.

As rumours that a Taiwanese company has been secretly developing a
12 inch wide, turntable -driven, needle-based, firewire drive remain unconfirmed,
it would appear that the music industry may, at last, have found the pirate-proof
format it has long been searching for.

das is wohl das ende der raubkopiererei *ggg*

cheers m/<


information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
bald gibts sicher auch ein slot-in laufwerk für die :)


Big d00d
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: sg
Posts: 218
ausserdem werden die ja wohl nicht so mir nichts dir nichts die cd abschaffen können


Wait what
Registered: Dec 2001
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Posts: 2404
Zitat von skobi
ausserdem werden die ja wohl nicht so mir nichts dir nichts die cd abschaffen können

denk ich mir auch...
nur wegn raubkopien wird niemand auf das format umsteign und den leuten zumuten neue geräte xtra zu kaufen :rolleyes:


information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
ich glaub ihr 2 habt es nicht wirklich überrissen oder??


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
also i hab bereits so a laufwerk zuhause


information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
ich natürlich auch...
man muss ja mit der zeit gehen...


Freund der 4 Ringe!
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Ländle
Posts: 3058
w00t! :p

Oag also muss ich mir (wieder) so ein LW besorgen.... hatte mal eines! ;)


Freund der 4 Ringe!
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Ländle
Posts: 3058
Zitat von Frys_Assassin
bald gibts sicher auch ein slot-in laufwerk für die :)

:D Für YY Cubes vielleicht.... :p


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
fry ich hab mir verkniffen zu fragen ob sies verstanden haben :)

i sag nur eins - venyl rulez


Big d00d
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: klosterneuburg
Posts: 161
hehe...net schlecht!:D

was sich die da gedanken drüber machen...im endeffekt eh alles zwecklos!:rolleyes: :)


CWNE #540
Registered: Apr 2001
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lol :D
passt imho trotzdem eher ins OT


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
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Aber da merkst: einige san scho so jung, daß den gag nimma kapieren ...ROFL


Mr. Zet

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resident spacenerd
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muhahaha so w00t.. ich habs am anfang ned checkt, hamma voll dacht die wollen sowas WIEDER machen.. erst am ende hab ichs dann ganz überrissen *gg*

also ich hab noch 2 solche laufwerke zuhause.... :D:D

btw: die musikindustrie kann das format von mir aus ruhig 1.000.000mal ändern.. es bringt nix, solang ich das fertige audio signal über ein kabel zum computer leiten kann und dort aufnehme.... najo.. is halt leichter verlust, wegen D/A A/D wandlung..aber.. who cares? ;)


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 2037
Zitat von LeadToDeath
"I couldn't
get it into any of my drives. I mean, what format is it? Is it, like, from France or

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