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GPUPI 2.2 (English)

mat 12.08.2015 - 15:55 15620 1


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25563
Our homebrewn CUDA and OpenCL benchmark is still getting more and more popular among overclockers and is also starting to be used for reviews. That's why we continue to work on improvements and bugfixes together with HWBOT. GPUPI 2.2 packs many of these smaller fixes and minor changes of the last few weeks into its own new version. Although the core calculation has not been modified, we introduced some important changes. So please use GPUPI 2.2 for your future results!

Downloads: GPUPI 2.2 (1.06 MB, CRC-32: 054753D5) | GPUPI 2.2 - Legacy Version (Windows XP, GeForce 200 series, 590 KB, CRC-32: B40C3054)


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25563
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