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Futuremark Peacekeeper ermittelt den schnellsten Browser

Joe_the_tulip 16.03.2009 - 16:19 4046 2


banned by FireGuy
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 16480
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Test bei Legit Reviews
...so I figured we'd look at entry level performance numbers on a system like a Netbook. After all, if anyone needs to know how to make their PC experience better it is someone on a system that runs slowly!

To create the tests Futuremark used a profiler to analyze JavaScript usage while browsing popular websites such as YouTube, Facebook, GMail and Meebo. The profiler collected data on the frequency in which different JavaScript functions were called on these sites and Futuremark used this data to create specific weighted tests for each function.

On script heavy websites (many popular web2.0 sites fall into this category), the performance difference is quite tangible.

If you are looking to find the fastest Microsoft Windows based browser it looks like Safari 4.0 Beta is the fastest thing out there that you can download today.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23254
hmm, mit dem "overclocken" wirds da wohl schwierig werden. :D


Tauren Marine
Registered: May 2004
Location: Hell
Posts: 1017
als würds noch nicht genug Javascript Performance test suits geben
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