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Doom3 TimeDemo Benchmark

creative2k 10.08.2004 - 03:27 16895 54 Thread rating


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: NÖ
Posts: 584
Ich noch mal ;)

Alles wie oben, bis auf:

Catalyst 4.11 Beta
Catalyst A.I. auf 2
XT-pe @ VPU: 590 / Ram:600



game over

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: berlin
Posts: 16
So, hier sind meine ergebnisse ;)
sind die werte in ordnung?

Mein System:
Ahtlon 64Bit Newcastel 3400+
Point of view Geforce 6800Ultra (Real 400\1100 getaktet auf 425\1200)
1024 Ram (2x512MB) Samsung cl3,0
Mainbord Asus k8v Deluxe SE
Maxtor 6Y120L0 120GB
Audigy 2
Boxen Creative 6.1
Philips 109 s4
Win XP ( Service Pack 1 drauf)
450Watt Cool be quiet
Thermaltake Xaser 3 + licht
Innovatek Wasserkühlung
Direct x 9.0c
Grafiktreiber ForceWare 61,77

alle effekte an bis auf
Antialysing OFF und Ohne V-Sync

Sind die werte in ordnung (fps usw.)? Oder sollte ich was an meinen einstellungen ändern?
// IvL/FblnaU4w6bOSN1ZzuS8UIzy75ElzWvjh760DB4Oqs2NlsSDHjpTe7Ue4GvXb71uktf94L2CRWkoGfhQ=
bind "TAB" "_impulse19"
bind "ENTER" "_moveUp"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind "," "_left"
bind "." "_right"
bind "/" "_strafe"
bind "0" "_impulse10"
bind "1" "_impulse0"
bind "2" "_impulse1"
bind "3" "_impulse2"
bind "4" "_impulse3"
bind "5" "_impulse4"
bind "6" "_impulse5"
bind "7" "_impulse6"
bind "8" "_impulse7"
bind "9" "_impulse8"
bind "[" "_impulse15"
bind "]" "_impulse14"
bind "a" "_moveleft"
bind "c" "_movedown"
bind "d" "_moveright"
bind "f" "_impulse11"
bind "q" "_impulse9"
bind "r" "_impulse13"
bind "s" "_back"
bind "t" "clientMessageMode"
bind "w" "_forward"
bind "y" "clientMessageMode 1"
bind "z" "_zoom"
bind "BACKSPACE" "clientDropWeapon"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "UPARROW" "_forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "_back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "_moveLeft"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "_moveRight"
bind "ALT" "_moveDown"
bind "CTRL" "_attack"
bind "SHIFT" "_speed"
bind "DEL" "_lookdown"
bind "PGDN" "_lookup"
bind "END" "_impulse18"
bind "F1" "_impulse28"
bind "F2" "_impulse29"
bind "F3" "_impulse17"
bind "F5" "savegame quick"
bind "F6" "_impulse20"
bind "F7" "_impulse22"
bind "F9" "loadgame quick"
bind "F12" "screenshot"
bind "MOUSE1" "_attack"
bind "MOUSE3" "_zoom"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"
bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"
seta radiant_entityMode "0"
seta gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60"
seta gui_smallFontLimit "0.30"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta win_ypos "22"
seta win_xpos "3"
seta sys_lang "english"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150"
seta s_globalFraction "0.8"
seta s_subFraction "0.75"
seta s_playDefaultSound "1"
seta s_volume_dB "0"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_spatializationDecay "2"
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "0"
seta r_debugArrowStep "120"
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta r_forceLoadImages "0"
seta r_renderer "best"
seta r_brightness "1"
seta r_gamma "1"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"
seta r_customHeight "486"
seta r_customWidth "720"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "7"
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_downSizeLimit "512"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "1"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "128"
seta image_cacheMinK "10240"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_roundDown "1"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "8"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta gui_filter_idle "0"
seta gui_filter_gameType "0"
seta gui_filter_players "0"
seta gui_filter_password "0"
seta net_master4 ""
seta net_master3 ""
seta net_master2 ""
seta net_master1 ""
seta net_clientMaxRate "16000"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "16000"
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta sensitivity "8.365079"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_alwaysRun "0"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140"
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
seta com_guid ""
seta com_videoRam "256"
seta com_showFPS "0"
seta com_purgeAll "0"
seta com_machineSpec "3"
seta g_decals "1"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_doubleVision "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1"
seta mod_validSkins "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow"
seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"
seta g_voteFlags "0"
seta g_gameReviewPause "10"
seta g_countDown "10"
seta g_password ""
seta g_showBrass "1"
seta g_showProjectilePct "0"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_showcamerainfo "0"
seta g_healthTakeLimit "25"
seta g_healthTakeAmt "5"
seta g_healthTakeTime "5"
seta g_useDynamicProtection "1"
seta g_armorProtectionMP "0.6"
seta g_armorProtection "0.3"
seta g_damageScale "1"
seta g_nightmare "0"
seta g_bloodEffects "1"
seta r_aspectRatio "0"
seta ui_showGun "1"
seta ui_autoReload "1"
seta ui_autoSwitch "1"
seta ui_team "Red"
seta ui_skin "skins/characters/player/marine_mp"
seta ui_name "dok"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_usePass "0"
seta si_warmup "0"
seta si_teamDamage "0"
seta si_timeLimit "10"
seta si_fragLimit "10"
seta si_maxPlayers "4"
seta si_map "game/mp/d3dm1"
seta si_gameType "singleplayer"
seta si_name "DOOM Server"
seta g_spectatorChat "0"


game over

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: berlin
Posts: 16
ok habe jetzt doch
21 48 frames rendered in 27,3
secounds = 78,7
so ist perfekt oder?

game over

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: berlin
Posts: 16
wofür steht rendered eigendlich weiß das jemand?



Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
75,7 fps

Gf600GT standardtakt
2400mhz Barton
200mhz fsb


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
GF6800GT @400/1100
2400mhz barton
200 fsb

77,8 Fps
778_66175.jpg (downloaded 55x)


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
2600mhz barton
GF6800GT @ 421/1175

82,9 Fps
829_66181.jpg (downloaded 49x)


"old" oc.at Member
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: カ&..
Posts: 7401
Net schlecht entomorph! Naja ich krieg 49 fps zammen mit meiner 9800 Pro. In Doom3 bremst die 9800er meinen PC stark aus obwohl ich das Board getauscht habe von KT400 auf Nforce2. Mit dem KT400 gabs gleich viel fps. Bin gespannt was mir die X800 bringen wird! :)


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
Schade ist nur das ich nirgens nen vernünftigen und bezahlbaren Wasserkühler herbekomme für die GF6800GT einen der GPU und RAM kühlt mein ich. den die graka scheint noch lange nicht am limit zu sein :) sie wird halt sehr heiss mit dem Standard kühler und den 1,4 Volt Bios. :(


Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Celovec
Posts: 487
sicher gibts, aquagrafx6800... kostet mit anschlüssen rund 5€ und bringt gut 15-20mhz gpu


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
Zitat von bamserl
sicher gibts, aquagrafx6800... kostet mit anschlüssen rund 5€ und bringt gut 15-20mhz gpu

Will was gscheites ;) bzw. hab nen Kupferkühler kreislauf da kommt mir kein Alu rein! einen hätt ich ja schon gesehen aber der kostet happige 124€ (kupfer/plexiglas)


Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 8346
bitte unterhaltet euch darueber per PM, danke


Little Overclocker
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 52
AMD Athlon 64 (NewCastle) 3200+ (200fsb) (Default)
2x 512MB SuperTalent PC3200 @ 2.0-3-3-7-12-16 - 200MHz (SC) (Default)
Leadtek WinFast A400 GT TDH, GeForce 6800 GT, 256MB GDDR3, DVI @ 350 / 1000 (Default)

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2
NVIDIA (02.08.2004 Fujitsu Siemens Computers) (Default)
Keine Veränderung an Doom (Performance mod oder dergleichen)

High 1
FPS: 88.2

High 2
FPS: 82.5

High 3
FPS: 70.1

FPS: 80.3

Ultra 1
FPS: 78.0

Ultra 2
FPS: 65.6

Ultra 3
FPS: 49.5

FPS: 64.4

Ich habe von unten nach oben gebencht (also Ultra 3 zuerst), aber ich verstehe nicht, warum mein "High 1" Wert grösser als der von "daisho" ist, da sein System doch schneller sein müsste? Ich hoffe ich habe alles richtig gemacht, AA und AF immer in den Treibereinstellungen eingestellt und zusätzlich AA im Doom3 eingestellt. Nach Umstellen der Settings immer Doom3 Neustart. Jeden Bench 2mal durchlaufen lassen, da ich beim ersten Mal immer kleine Ruckler drin hatte. (Mein erster Gamebenchmark, bei 3DMark braucht man ja nur klicken) Macht es so viel aus, dass bei mir RAM synchron rennt? Bei meinem Rechner ist alles auf Default Settings!

lg. ro.


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Graz
Posts: 48
2400mhz mB
6800GT Standard

High detail 1024x768

77,2 fps

2400mhz mB
6800GT 400/1100

High detail 1024x768

78,9 fps
Bearbeitet von Entomorph am 08.11.2004, 12:42


Big d00d
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Bregenz
Posts: 160

Hab doch nich ne Woche lang Zeit :)

Pentium 4 Prescott 2.400/533 @ 3.420/760


2x256 MB Samsung PC3200 CL2,5

ASUS V9999TD 300/700 @ 400/760 (12Pixel 6Vertex) Forceware 66.93

Audigy 2 ZS + TEAC 5.1Headset


1280x1024x32, High Detail, UEQ-Mod, Self-Shadowing, 8xAF, NoAA:


1280x1024x32, High Detail, UEQ-Mod, Self-Shadowing, 8xAF, 2xAA:

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