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Stromverbrauch vs. Lautstärke

TOM 31.07.2006 5982 7
Xbitlabs stellte einen großen Artikel online, wo genauer auf den Stromverbrauch und Lautstärke aktueller Grafikkarten eingegangen wurde. Unterteilt wurden die Karten in Premium Graphics Cards, High-End Graphics Cards, Performance-Mainstream Graphics Cards, Mainstream Graphics Cards und Entry-Level Graphics Cards.

Von 143 Watt Stromverbrauch bis zu 55.7 dBA Geräuschkulisse war alles vorhanden, was man für teures Geld kaufen konnte.
"...If you value silence, the GeForce 7900 GTX is the most appealing choice. It is very quiet and remains such nearly always. The Radeon X1800/X1900 cards and the GeForce 7950 GX2 are less appealing in this respect as they speed up their blowers to high speeds in 3D mode. However, since no hardcore gamer has his system running full-power 24/7, and uses it for 2-3 hours a day only, then the noise level may not be the top priority criterion..."
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