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Skype Protokoll gehackt

moidaschl 18.07.2006 5778 16
Wie Charlie Paglee in seinem Blog berichtet hat eine Firma in China (die ihren Namen noch nicht nennen möchte) nun endlich das Skype-Protokoll geknackt. Ihr Tool soll in der finalen Version zu 100% kompatibel mit der originalen Skype Version sein und somit eine vollwertige Alternative darstellen.
Today I received a call through Skype from a friend at a company in China, except he told me he was not using Skype to call me. His company has successfully reverse engineered the Skype protocol and he wanted to call me in the United States to see how it worked between physically distant IP addresses. We talked for a little over nine minutes before the call dropped. Then I called him back using my Skype and we spoke for another three minutes.
Quelle: voipwiki.com - Blog
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