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PS3 isn't slow and broken

JC 08.06.2006 7378 16
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Der Inquirer berichtete vor kurzem, dass die "PS3 hardware slow and broken" sein soll, worüber natürlich ausgiebig diskutiert wurde. Nun allerdings dementieren einige Entwickler von PS3-Spielen diese Meldung und bezeichnen diese als "uninformiert und irreführend". GamesIndustry.biz konnte in Erfahrung bringen, dass die genannten Zahlen den Worten einiger nicht genannter Entwickler zufolge "vollkommen bedeutungslos" wären.
"I doubt a single person in the room batted an eyelid when they showed that slide," continued the first source. "It's exactly what we'd expect, and the bits that we actually need to use to make games are perfectly fast."

While dismissing The Inquirer's claims as entirely spurious - and pointing out that even if they were true, they would be flaws so serious that Sony would simply not be able to release the Cell chip in that state - at least one of our sources admitted that PS3 was taking some time to get used to, but perhaps not as much as some parts of the media have suggested.
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