Konstruktive Kritik für unsere Moderation
22:37 mat
22:37 mat
ZitatGD: We've been told by Matrox representatives that we shouldn't expect to see record-setting frame rates with the current batch of benchmarks (i.e. Quake 3, 3DMark 2001SE, etc). Is there any reason why Matrox didn't try to be the fastest?
Klar, welcher "Gamer" kann es sich schon leisten, 3 Monitore zu kaufenZitatKA: Sure, we think that the argument that a graphics card’s sole worth should be judged on how high a frame rate it can achieve at 1600x1200 resolution is wrong. We have a different vision. Our vision is that people play games to have fun. Maximum fun is achieved when you are totally immersed in the game and the graphics contribute to that by making the experience as close to reality as possible.[...]
But going back to the most important thing - which is the overall fun factor you experience today – I must mention our Surround Gaming feature which - simply put - makes games more fun than any other graphics feature that has been introduced in a long time. You have to experience it to really feel its full impact, but the concept is pretty straightforward. Humans see wider than they see tall. Surround Gaming saturates your entire field of view and dramatically increases your feeling of immersion.
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