AMD Radeon RX 9000 Serie (RDNA4)
00:11 NeseN
00:11 NeseN
Die vorgestellte Technik erlaubt das Speichern von mindestens 1 TB an Daten in mehreren Schichten. Das Team rund um Professor Belfield hat USD 127.000 von der National Science Foundation erhalten, um die Technologie effizienter und praktikabler zu machen. Leider wird auch nicht erwähnt, wann mit ersten Prototypen zu rechnen ist.ZitatThe process involves shooting two different wavelengths of light onto the recording surface. The use of two lasers creates a very specific image that is sharper than what current techniques can render. Depending on the color (wavelength) of the light, information is written onto a disk. The information is highly compacted, so the disk isn’t much thicker. It’s like a typical DVD.
The challenge scientists faced for years was that light is also used to read the information. The light couldn’t distinguish between reading and writing, so it would destroy the recorded information. Belfield’s team developed a way to use light tuned to specific colors or wavelengths to allow information that a user wants to keep to stay intact.
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