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[CeBIT 2008] Catalyst 8.3 vorab testen!

mat 04.03.2008 7460 3
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In einer Pressekonferenz teilte AMD mit, dass morgen der neue Catalyst 8.3-Treiber offiziell erscheinen wird. Der neue Grafikkartentreiber wird neben der DirectX 10.1-Unterstützung endlich das langersehnte Crossfire-X mit sich bringen. Wer bis dahin nicht warten kann, dem geben wir vorab die Möglichkeit den neuen Grafikkartentreiber von AMD/ATI in der Vista-Version zu testen.

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Einige Bilder von der Pressekonferenz, die wir euch nicht vorenthalten wollen

Hier ein kurze Zusammenfassung was uns erwartet:

  • Advancing Multi-GPU Gaming with CrossFireX: Through three- and four-GPU configurations in CrossFireX, gamers can see multi-GPU performance scaling across a range of today’s most popular DirectX® 9 and DirectX® 10 games on Windows Vista -- up to 3.2 times the performance over a single GPU2 in some scenarios. The flexible architecture of CrossFireX allows for the mixing and matching of high-performing ATI Radeon™ GPUs. Any ATI Radeon™ HD 3850, ATI Radeon™ HD 3870 or ATI Radeon™ HD 3870 X2 cards can be combined to harness the power of up to four GPUs. CrossFireX also supports a wide range of platforms, enabling many gamers to take advantage of
    three- and four-GPU gaming on their existing hardware.
  • DirectX 10.1 and Tessellation Support: ATI Catalyst 8.3 marks the first time DirectX 10.1 support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 3000 series, and tessellation support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 series have been made available to developers.
  • Anti-Aliasing enhancements: ATI Catalyst introduces anti-aliasing support for all Unreal Engine 3.0-based games running in DirectX 9 mode. ATI Catalyst also allows users to enable the Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing filters 3 (box and wide tent) while running in CrossFire Super Anti-Aliasing modes, providing superior image quality.
  • HydraVision™ support for Windows Vista: HydraVision support is now included in ATI Catalyst Control Center for Windows Vista. HydraVision enables users to efficiently organize multiple applications across single or multiple displays. You may configure up to nine virtual desktops, and divide the Windows Vista desktop into definable areas helping to easily move and organize multiple applications.
  • Digital Panel GPU image scaling: For those using widescreen displays, ATI Catalyst now allows users to enable GPU-accelerated scaling to maintain the aspect ratio of the display while providing superior image quality.
  • Advanced Video Quality controls: With ATI Catalyst 8.3, multimedia enthusiasts get further control over video quality. Using the new edge enhancement feature, the level of sharpness of video content can be adjusted. Through the new noise reduction feature, ghosting artifacts can be removed while preserving the details of the original video. The new slider controls can be found in the All Settings page of the Avivo™ Video tab found in ATI Catalyst Control Center

Download: Catalyst 8.3 for Vista (63,5 MB)

Ob die Performance-Skalierung des neuen Treibers bei Quad-Crossfire hält, was AMD uns auf den gezeigten Folien verspricht, werden wir euch hoffentlich bald aus unserem Testlabor berichten können.
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