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6x 7600GT im Test

TOM 25.04.2006 13075 19
Die Kollegen von VR-Zone haben einen netten Vergleich von sechs nVidia 7600GT Grafikkarten online gestellt. Diese Karten kommen von den Herstellern Asus, Gigabyte, Inno3D, Leadtek, XFX und XpertVision. Besonders gut ließ sich die Leadtek-Karte übertakten, welche 640/800 Mhz anstatt 560/700 Mhz Standard-Takt, ohne Probleme mitmachte.
"...If you're looking for a quiet solution and will probably not overclock, then the XpertVision 7600GT makes a very good choice. It already comes higher clocked than most of the other cards, has both analog and DVI outputs and the cooling solution is both quiet and effective. It comes with a tough-to-beat price when you think about the additional features it offers on top of the compared cards, namely the special cooler and higher stock clocks. In fact, these seem to come free when you check it's price tag..."
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