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1200 Watt Netzteil

TOM 08.06.2006 24076 45
Nachdem Enermax und XYZ schon 1000 Watt Netzteile ankündigten, zieht nun Thermaltake mit einem 1200 Watt-Monster nach. Dies ist anscheinend eine Reaktion auf die immer leistungshungrigeren SLI/Quad GPU-Systeme.
"...Thermaltake's Computex showcase was loaded with interesting goodies, including funky water coolers, crazy cases, and a wide range of power supplies. PSUs are typically less flashy than other PC components, but Thermaltake had a number of interesting designs on display, including ones that utilized passive and water cooling. The company was also showing off its Toughpower line, which is available in 700, 750, 850, 1000, and 1200 W flavors.

The 1200 W Toughpower is ATX 2.2 and EPS 12V-compliant, and features a monster 140 mm cooling fan that should keep noise levels reasonable. Of course, if you have enough hardware in your system to require 1200 W of power, noise levels probably aren't your primary concern..."
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