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Gibraltar Firewall based on Debian

orpheus 26.08.2002 - 11:50 566 1


in a nutshell
Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Klagenfurt
Posts: 533
Gibraltar Firewall based on Debian

Gibraltar is a project that aims to produce a Debian GNU/Linux-based router and firewall package. This package will be bootable directly from a CD-ROM, so hard disk installation will not be necessary. This can actually be a security feature since modifying the filesystem won't be possible.

Two versions of Gibraltar have been planned for release. The free version is now available as a testing release. As for the commercial version, which will come complete with a manual in addition to the web-interface, the Gibraltar developers are currently preparing for its 1.0 release. Unfortunately, they are unable to give an exact release date as it still requires more in-house development.

The entire distribution can be downloaded as ISO image, ready to be burned on CD-ROM, or as source packages. Please find all relevant files at a mirror, linked from here. If you would like to participate in this project, please join their mailing list.

g0t w00t!?

Bearbeitet von orpheus am 26.08.2002, 11:55 (url added)


Registered: Oct 2000
Location: VR Brigittenau
Posts: 4848

url bitte :) ;)
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