Samsung 192T
JC 17.06.2003 - 17:04 2073 4
| at the features and capabilities of the 192T, we have to applaud Samsung one more time. We were very impressed with their adaptation of the 172T bezel and base, as well as the improvement in image quality.
Still, We would like to see some new substrate solutions for the 19” LCD market, perhaps in the form of low response times. A completely new product from Samsung would have impressed us more than the basically repackaged 191T that is the 192T. However, since the 192T still offers great performance at a competitive price, we are certain the 192T will continue Samsung’s traditional spot as the 19” LCD industry standard.
When we see the image go from White to Black to Green (ie mouse cursor over a green background), the response times appear clearly in excess of 40ms. As we will discover more in the near future, gray to gray response times can actually be as high as 100ms. Iss doch nur ein neu verpackter 191T... WO BLEIBEN DIE 10ms TFTs MIT MINDESTENS 20" UND MINDESTENS 1600x1200 UND DAS GANZE FÜR UNTER €1000,- ??? Aber ehrlich... so langsam wirds mal Zeit dafür...
Bearbeitet von JoePesci am 21.06.2003, 19:06
fire walk with me
Nächstes Jahr, allerdings nicht unter 1000€
WO BLEIBEN DIE 10ms TFTs MIT MINDESTENS 20" UND MINDESTENS 1600x1200 UND DAS GANZE FÜR UNTER ?1000,- ??? kann man nur zustimmen... ich warte und warte... gemeinsam mit meinem schön langsam etwas betuchten 17" crt samsung
OC Addicted
Jop warte ebenfalls wenn soweit 18,1" TFT Samsung ade