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DisplayLink - Multi-Display Setups with USB

JC 24.01.2008 - 17:26 2091 6


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Review @ Techgage
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We might still be in the early stages of DisplayLink's products, but already the adapters feel like a matured product. I ran into no severe (or even moderate) complications during all my use. The prime hitch was the lag on the Gateway monitor, but I am still leaning towards pointing blame at the display rather than the adapter.

Besides regular desktop work, high-definition videos transmitted fine as well. I don't have a Blu-ray or HD DVD player to test out 1080p content, but I tested downloaded 720p content and it ran fine. I believe as long as you are running non-full-screen applications, you shouldn't feel the effects of lag with whatever you are doing, but I could be wrong where 1080p is concerned. I plan to test that out once able.

As of right now, there are not that many companies who produce DisplayLink products in the US, but the ones that do can be found here. Both eVGA and Kensington will soon be releasing very similar adapters to what I used during my own testing here, and you can expect them to retail for around $99.

It has hardly been two weeks since I first learned of DisplayLink, and already I am interested in seeing what else they have up their sleeve... namely, chipsets that support higher resolutions. Pricing might be high for some, at around $99 per adapter, but to overlook purchasing a second GPU and the ability to hook up to six monitors will wipe out concern over that. That said, I do hope that the technology catches on fast so that prices will go down, and as a result, become readily available for everyone.


Hoffnungsloser Optimist
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: MeidLing
Posts: 11340
Wenn die Dinger wirklich so billig sind, dann ist das endlich eine günstige Möglichkeit, so richtig massiv viele Monitore an einen PC zu hängen.


Little Overclocker
Registered: Nov 2007
Location: T
Posts: 56
Erstmal abwarten, was so ein Ding kann....


Hoffnungsloser Optimist
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: MeidLing
Posts: 11340
Zitat von markw
Erstmal abwarten, was so ein Ding kann....

:confused: steht doch eh im Review?


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: gigritzpotschn
Posts: 6691
so wies aussieht werd ich mir in der firma ein paar solche teile zukommen lassen...


stuck on the outside
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: im 21. Jhdt.
Posts: 2507
gute idee .. wenn der preis nicht so hoch wäre ..

um 99 euro kann ich mir gleich schon eine weitere grafikkarte kaufen.

wenns billger wird und die das ding gleich in den monitor mit einbauen, wär das sicher ideal für office rechner.

einen gibts eh schon http://geizhals.at/a244709.html

wobei ich mir das auch für mich gut vorstellen könnte.
mehr als ein video oder ein spiel gleichzeitig hab ich nie offen .. und das dann eh immer am selben screen. die anderen 3 brauchen keine power .. könnte ich mir die zweite graka in zukunft eventuell sparen.

Mfg fEW


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: gigritzpotschn
Posts: 6691
Zitat von FrankEdwinWrigh
um 99 euro kann ich mir gleich schon eine weitere grafikkarte kaufen.

beim notebook ist das eher schwierig ;)
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