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100 inch LCD by Philips

Krabbenkoenig 08.03.2006 - 15:05 992 3


Managing the unmanageable
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: im Bonner Exil
Posts: 3532
The battle between LCD and plasma for domination of your media room may have just ended. LG.Philips has unveiled what they're billing as the world's largest LCD display, a 100-inch panel with a 5ms refresh, 3000:1 contrast ratio and 180 degree viewing angle. The new display bests the previous size leader, Samsung's 82-incher, and is just three inches smaller than the largest plasma display, Panasonic's 103-inch prototype. While none of these megascreens are going to show up in stores any time soon, they're going to continue to put the squeeze on plasma displays, which are already hurting from a price perspective, as LCD prices continue to decline

Korea Times
:eek: :cool:


1k senseless posts
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Hermagor/Graz
Posts: 1053
schaut nicht so schlecht aus, mir wär aber lieber wenn die TFTs in normalen Größen noch billiger werden würden.


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: 0x3FC
Posts: 10604
pff, um den preis was das teil kostet würd ich ma gleich nen qualia 004 ownen...


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
irgendwie eine ungute größe, als beamer-ersatz zu klein, für konsolen, pcs etc. zu groß. nebenbei wahrscheinlich so teuer wie ein mittelklassewagen:p
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