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Soyo SY-KT400 DRAGON Ultra

JC 25.09.2002 - 10:28 1071 3


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
The Tech Report hat ein Review über Soyo's neuestes Board für Athlon-CPUs.
With the SY-KT400 DRAGON Ultra, Soyo has once again raised the bar on its innovative line of DRAGON motherboards. The SY-KT400 board builds on the foundation of its KT333 predecessor with additions like a doubling in chipset interconnect speed and AGP 8X. Several of the new features are especially helpful to overclockers, such as the wider range of multiplier settings and the new PCI dividers, which allow anyone with an unlocked processor to gain the advantages of a 333MHz front-side bus without overclocking the snot out of the PCI and AGP interfaces. Finally, my largest complaint with the KT333 DRAGON Ultra (the lack of rear USB 2.0 ports) has been solved with a much more versatile port arrangement and a handy media reader.

Now we come to the subject of DDR400 support, and based on my experiences with the board, if I had to describe that support in a word, it would be "premature." With all the trouble I had, I suspect that Soyo's technical support line is going to be ringing off the hook with DDR400-related issues. Soyo has a DDR compatibility list located here; perhaps if you stick to it, you'll have better luck than I did. Still, my experiences and the existence of the list both have the same root cause: DDR400 isn't finished yet, at least not according to JEDEC. VIA backed off this one for a reason, and the fact that Soyo pressed on surprises me, especially in light of the difficulties I encountered.


Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Cologne
Posts: 2569
schönes design wie mans von soyo gewöhnt ist.
die leistung ist aber kaum besser als vom vorgänger..


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19777
Wie schauts bei den Soyo jetzt mit "funktionieren" aus?

Habe da ja schon so manche Horrorgeschichten gehört von Händlern :eek: :(


OC Addicted
Registered: Oct 2001
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Zitat von HaBa
Wie schauts bei den Soyo jetzt mit "funktionieren" aus?

Habe da ja schon so manche Horrorgeschichten gehört von Händlern :eek: :(

ich weiß nicht mit welcher zeitspanne du "jetzt" definierst, aber das einzige board, das ich von soyo je gehabt hab ist das dragon plus! und das hat eigentlich pipifein funktioniert. hab keinerlei probleme damit gehabt. zum ocen war's halt wegen der spannungen nix. (vdimm fix 2.5, vcore bis 1,89)
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