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Sapphire PURE CrossFire PC-AM2RD580

JC 25.09.2006 - 08:08 1085 5


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Review @ bit-tech.net
Overclocking: I shot for the maximum HTT clock speed using an Athlon 64 FX-62 with the multiplier set to 8.0x. Much like the Abit KN9 SLI I had to take it slowly, raising the HTT clock in small increments in order to get the board to boot at the higher frequencies. I set the LDT to 3.0x and then went in search of some high HTT clocks. I got the board running a pair of Prime 95 instances on our dual-core CPU with the HTT clock set to 255MHz. There were no problems to report at these frequencies, but if I increased the clocks any higher, the board booted at 200MHz HTT. I think that this is a bug in the BIOS - hopefully one that Sapphire can fix. When it is fixed, we should see a lot more headroom unlocked on the board.

While I was experimenting on the overclocking front, I came across some other niggles that started to get annoying after a while through force of habit. The F10 save & exit functionality didn't work at all. The BIOS exited fine, but no changes were saved at all - I even tried changing some simple things like the time and then pressing F10, but it didn't even manage to save that. Another point that I came across was resetting CMOS - it didn't seem to want to work, however much I tried. The only way I could reset CMOS was to remove the battery and leave the board unplugged for ten minutes - most other boards just require the jumper change that didn't work here.

[...]Sapphire's PC-AM2RD580 is an incredibly solid motherboard that deserves recommendation for those who aren't worried by the lack of expansion options on both the I/O panel and on the board itself. There is still some work to do on the BIOS before the full potential of this board is unlocked; hopefully Sapphire will address these problems directly and we should see this board reach another level altogether on the overclocking front.


The Wizard of Owls
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: GR.ch|TI.ch
Posts: 11361
die haben tatsächlich das scheckliche design des referenzboards 1:1 übernommen. :bash:
click to enlarge click to enlarge


ieS Virtual Gaming
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: 47° 57′ 32″..
Posts: 2977
Zitat von Garbage
die haben tatsächlich das scheckliche design des referenzboards 1:1 übernommen. :bash:

also ich finde das design nice vorallem die weiße platine ^^


The Wizard of Owls
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: GR.ch|TI.ch
Posts: 11361
weißes pcb schön und gut (und es schaut in echt wirklich gut aus, keine frage), aber wenn man bei normalbetrieb nicht einmal einen pci slot nutzen kann, ist es eine fehlkonstruktion.

wer kauft sich ein crossfire board, behält den lauten stock kühler der keinen zweiten platz belegt und nimmt dem dann auch noch die luft mit einer karte daneben? :rolleyes:
mit einem zwei slot kühler kann man den pci soundso kübeln.

gut möglich, dass man zwar auch den slave slot verwenden kann, wenn man nur eine graka verwendet, aber spätestens bei crossfire gibts dann brösel.


ieS Virtual Gaming
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: 47° 57′ 32″..
Posts: 2977
ja stimmt, habe ich übersehen, imho is ein pci generell bissl wenig?


Little Overclocker
Registered: Nov 2005
Location: Linz
Posts: 127
lol das Design kannst in die Tonne treten, wenn man bedenkt das fast jeder Gamer mitlerweile auf ne Soundkarte mit EAX Support setzt is das Teil zwar schön zum anschauen aber wird wohl in den seltensten Fällen eingebaut zu bewundern sein!
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