nice tool fürs 8rda!
BiOs 01.12.2003 - 20:16 466 2
Here to stay
gibts hier8rdavcore is able to set VCore, Vdimm, Vagp and Vdd (only Rev. 2.x) on Epox 8RDA(3)+ mainboards. Setting the FSB and the Tras, Trcd, Trp memory-timings is also possible. diese funktion find ich vor allem brauchbar -> AutoFSB automatically sets the FSB depending on the CPU load. First you must know your min. and max. FSB, set them with the FSB trackbar and the Max. and Min. buttons. Then use min./max. Load to determine when the FSB is decreased or increased and the delay option to set how long it should wait. For example, max. Load is 80%, min. Load 20% and delay 2 minutes: If the CPU load is greater than 80% for 2 minutes it increases the FSB until CPU load is less than 80% or to max. FSB. If the CPU load is less than 20% for 2 minutes it decreases the FSB until CPU load is greater than 20% or until min. FSB is reached. schad das ich kein 8rda hab
(c) Dirty Donny
ist erstens alter - aber guter - Hut!
und zweitens gibts es auch fürs NF7.