MSI KT3 Ultra Deluxe Edition
HP 06.06.2002 - 20:27 731 2
Legend Legend
| is a strange beast, this MSI KT3-Ultra Deluxe Edition. It is wrapped like a candy at Christmas, comes with a ton of accesories like a Barbie doll and looks like a painted OEM board with a body kit. The BIOS is similarly confusing in that quite a few of the auto configuration mechanisms apparently don't work. For a lot of users this means that they will be putting away at very safe settings with a healthy performance hit but a ton of stability to build upon. Other users who are more daring will run into issues with the "High Performance" settings that are not quite kosher either.
48°12'N 16°19'E
wenn i das im überfliegen richtig gsehn hab is das das was bei uns KT3 Ultra ARU heißt und ich in mein system drinnen hab. w00t!