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KT600 Mainboard Roundup

JC 03.11.2003 - 13:01 617 3


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Roundup (8 Boards) @ Tech Report
The big question on the minds of many PC enthusiasts is whether VIA's KT600 has a chance at toppling the well-entrenched nForce2 as the best chipset choice for Socket A. Unfortunately, the answer isn't an easy yes or no. Let me explain.

The results of our testing clearly show that the nForce2 platform is faster for content creation, rendering, speech recognition, and gaming. If you're looking for top performance, it's still the way to go. However, the KT600 does highlight a number of nForce2 deficiencies, including weak USB performance and a lack of south bridge Serial ATA. From a features perspective, the nForce2 looks a little dated next to the KT600, whose performance really isn't all that far off in many of our tests.

While power-hungry users are still better off with nForce2 boards, the KT600 is quite an attractive platform for feature-driven enthusiasts who don't mind losing a couple of frames per second here and there. The fact that KT600 boards don't need two DIMMs for optimal performance is just icing on the cake.


trailer park king
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Linz
Posts: 6907
also das MSI würd mir schon taugen -> holen..

FIC hat da aber mitn namen a bissl daneben gegriffen :D. weil FICKT-600 ist vielleicht doch ned so schön auf der schachtel ;)


Registered: May 2002
Location: linz
Posts: 1871
Zitat von aNtraXx
FIC hat da aber mitn namen a bissl daneben gegriffen :D.
das ham sich die Meisten schon beim SD-11 (iirc) gedacht ;)
war eines der 1. Boards fürn K7 :) (und eine Zeitlang auch das Beste)


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Niederösterreic..
Posts: 376
ja das sd-11 von FIC war ein saugeiles board
und auch sehr oft testsieger.....
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