KT400A kommt Ende Februar..
XenThor 17.02.2003 - 11:49 978 19
Here to stay
ich glaub der chipsatz wird sicher besser sein als ein vorgänger, aber glaub trotzdem dass der platzhirsch immer noch der nforce2 sein wird, aber we w'll see
WE'VE ALREADY WRITTEN about this chipset but now we have some more details to add as the KT400A is very close to introduction.
We should see a lot of design wins at Cebit this year and we assume that everybody that had a KT400 board will have KT400A revision boards as well.
KT400 lost its performance crown to Nvidia's quite successful Nforce 2. That uses a fast 128bit memory interface and many suggested that VIA would use the same approach. But that would be too big a modification to be just called KT400A.
KT400A will have the official DDR400 support that the KT400 version didn't have. The earlier chipset only officially supported DDR333 as the DDR400 standard had not been ratified at the time.
There will be some performance increase but we were advised not to hold our breath and not expect too much in terms of performance.
It will go into mass production in April and that's the timeframe when these boards are expected.
One definitely new thing is the 8237 Southbridge that will be similar to Intel's IC5. It will have 8 USB 2.0 and Serial ATA. That's on top of the stuff you can find in the earlier 8235 that is shipped with KT400 boards.
We assume that this will be the last VIA Athlon socket A chipset and that it will soon be time for a Hammer chipset, hopefully this fall. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=7841 -> naja denke dass man sich da doch nicht allzuviel erwarten sollte iss wohl eher wieder nur die bekannte "Ram-Support-Aufstockung" mit einigen Geschwindigkeitsoptimierungen...
Deleted User
naja , denk der A wird gut ... war beim KT266 auch so der KT266a war ein geiler Chipsatz !
Bring the Thunder
rofl 8 usb 2.0 port wer bitte braucht 8 ? ich brauch grad mal 3-4(drucker, maus, tast, und manchmal scanner ) obwohl tast nur dran hängt weil der ps2 stecker kapput ist !
Deleted User
wäre interessant ob sie endlich den agp/pci clock auf 66 fixen... weil zum reinen cpu clock ocn ist ein via noch immer besser als der nf2...