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LoKi2k 29.01.2005 - 09:04 25600 173 Thread rating


Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 450
nein hilft nicht
weil ich wissen will wie die andern slots dann beschaltet werden

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12376
wann gibts ergebnisse?

Registered: Nov 2003
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wtf? die 4V vdimm gibts ohne mods?


it's still alive?
Registered: Jun 2002
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Zitat von Probmaker
wtf? die 4V vdimm gibts ohne mods?

ja :)
einfach auf die 5V-Leitung jumpern und die Mosfets aktiv kühlen
die mosfets werden halt schön belastet, war aber beim lanparty nf2 ultra b auch ned viel anders, zu große hitze schlägt sich da auf die stabilität

Registered: Nov 2003
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Posts: 5035
rofl. ur geil. schade das ich keine PCI-E graka(s) hab... :(


Big d00d
Registered: Jul 2004
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Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
klingt net schlecht:D

The DFI nForce4 boards shredded all previous records with this CPU and memory - reaching the highest overclocks at stock speed and at a lower mulitiplier that we have ever tested with this combination. We have squeaked by the 300 CPU clock frequency (DDR600) in the past, but it always required a 2T command rate. This time, we reached an astounding 318 (DDR636) at 1T, at the rather aggressive memory timings of 2.5-4-3-7 with our standard OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev.2, which is based on Samsung TCCD chips. This is the highest DDR speed that we have ever reached with this memory or any other double-sided DDR memory.

What impact does 318 have on performance? Quake 3 ran at 642FPS and SiSoft Sandra 2004 standard memory bandwidth was 8,300 MB/s. The Sandra unbuffered memory bandwidth was at 4000 MB/s. All these results are new performance records in our memory testing. The very wide range of memory voltages to 4.0V is particularly useful in reaching the highest possible overclocks, along with a very complete set of memory tweaking options in the BIOS. There is still a huge reserve in the available memory voltage range as we only needed 2.9V to reach these performance levels. Those with exotic cooling will appreciate that the CPU voltage and memory voltage settings on the DFI will give them what they need to squeeze every bit of performance from their CPU and memory.

DFI delayed final release of both nForce4 boards to update some 20 components on the board and to make further modifications to BIOS timings. The goal was to improve memory compatibility and further improve the already stellar overclocking abilities of the engineering sample. Compared to the engineering sample board that we tested, the final retail board is a much better overclocker. The update certainly appears to be a success, and DFI tells us that all retail boards, the boards coming off the line, have the modifications and new BIOS.


Registered: Aug 2002
Location: vienna
Posts: 3414
Zitat von LoKi2k

geht net, lass mal ein paar pics rüberwachsen, wär nice.

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12376
pics von seinen 2 6800gt´s gibts auf compressorcooling.com:)


Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 480
Update vom Anandtech Review (betrifft diejenigen, die sich ein Ultra-Board holen wollten um den SLI-Mod zu machen)

UPDATE 2/05/2005: nVidia has acted to prevent, or at least make it more difficult, to mod the Ultra board to SLI. First, DFI has advised us, and posted on their website, that they will NOT sell the SLI bridge to buyers of the Ultra board. Second, nVidia has advised us that future shipments of the Ultra chipset have been modified so that the mod to SLI will no longer be possible. An additional side effect of this second action is that the "Dual Video" mode, which performs at about 90% of SLI performance levels, will only work with nVidia SLI drivers 66.75 or earlier. If you do a quick check of web driver postings you will see it is now very difficult to find 66.75 drivers. With a chipset modded to SLI the "Dual Video" mode worked through 70.xx versions of the nVidia driver. nVidia also made it clear they will continue to make driver changes to prevent functioning of any "non-standard" (8X/8X) operation of their SLI driver. This also throws into question whether the VIA "dual graphics" mode on the 894 Pro chipset will ever work with nVidia graphics cards. If you are interested in the current UT Ultra-D we suggest you buy one now if you can find it. Future versions of the UT Ultra-D will not have the same capabilities as a result of these actions.


Big d00d
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Köln
Posts: 137

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12376
net schlecht, wie wieviele pts, hast im 3dmark05?


Big d00d
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Köln
Posts: 137


Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Chile / HRE
Posts: 2236
@Loki: Womit kühlst du deine CPU?

Bis auf die enttäuschende SATA (hätte mir schon SATA2 gewünscht) steht bis auf die Kühlung und der DualHead Graka nix mehr im Wege.



Big d00d
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Köln
Posts: 137
mit meiner innig geliebten vapochill LS ;)
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