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C2D Chipset Power Consumption Shootout

JC 16.10.2006 - 10:04 1436 3


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Shootout @ AnandTech
Interestingly enough, the general application tests show the largest gap in power consumption between the chipsets. But all four categories agree that Intel's P965 chipset is your best bet when it comes to power consumption and as we've shown here, performance as well.

The power consumption aspect is obviously only one part of the decision to go with a particular chipset, and in the case of the nForce 570 SLI - support for NVIDIA's SLI technology is a major reason to opt for this chipset. If, however, you are like the majority of the population and don't plan on taking advantage of any multi-GPU solutions then support for SLI isn't too important. If your goal is simply good performance and lower power consumption, then the P965 brings you one step closer to attaining that goal.

For those interested in even lower power consumption there are two more options available: Merom Desktop solutions and AMD's Energy Efficient line of CPUs. We'll be looking at those next...


Big d00d
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Mödling
Posts: 227
bin absolut für den P965 obwohl die bios flashs für die RAM doch sehr zeitraubend sind..

aber punkto performance is natürlich besser (Intel Chipset + Intel CPU) is klar das da sehr gute zusammenarbeit zu erwarten ist wenn ein hersteller die symbiose zwischen seinen 2 produkten herstellt.


Rise of the Ryzen
Registered: Jul 2006
Location: Falkensee
Posts: 1942
Sehr interessant :) dachte bisher das die Intel Chipset nicht so toll sind beim Stromverbrauch, hat sich wohl mit P965 geändert :) umso besser hehe.


Do you Voodoo
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Klosterneuburg
Posts: 1777
Also ich war mir immer sicher, dass die Intelchipsets immer weniger verbaucht haben, als z.B. Nforce Chipsets!

Merkst ja bereits an der Abwärme von den Dingern!
NV brennheiß, Intel lauwarm ;)
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