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Broken tab

Jeanne 17.06.2003 - 17:28 701 3


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Maine
Posts: 2
Broke off one of the tabs that the heatsink attaches to. Tried reattaching with epoxy and it does not hold. Does anybody have a suggestion on how I can fix this without buying another mainbaord?


Inventor of Super Toast
Registered: May 2002
Location: Anatolien
Posts: 1098
Well if your mainboard is epuipped with mounting holes you could buy a headsink that is attatched with them.

i have no idea how you could fix that tab. sockets are made of crappy material...


Registered: Dec 2000
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Posts: 12109
You may could use conductive glue from Arctic Silver, to permanently fasten the heatsink on the DIE of your CPU.

However, I'd recommend buying a new Cooler, or at least a new mounting-clip (if available), hugging into all 3 of the socket-tabs, or utilizing the mounting-holes of your mainboard.

hth, colo


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Maine
Posts: 2
I talked with a gentlemen from Artic Silver today and he told directed me to Overclocker's web site. He said he had seen something on repairing the tab or attaching heatsink with wire there and I looked but could not find anything so I thought send a post might help direct to that previous article/post. Thanks for your input.
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