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Abit Nf7

Alex 31.12.2002 - 18:21 717 15


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17905
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Quotes from Oppainter

Heres the deal, for one thing this is a XP2700 chip, I was just testing
No HD corruption
There are no holes on the mobo, this is a original.
It took me 2 hours to figuer out the mobos problem with high fsb, there are 2 problems running at 225.
1) You have to dissable both IDE controllers, I have 2 IBMs set up on the ATA 150 controllers, Raid-0.
2) your internet conection is shot at this speed.

Of coarse I only had so much time to play, I'll be testing it today after my AC DC Mid Term I didn't study for last night

The mem mod will be a B!tch, it is the same as the BE7-BD7.

The timings were very low 4-4-10, can't do much at 2.7V

Well I ran into some problems. I was testing for dual DDR action, BTW, it did 220 tops and there was no difference between haveing the 2 sticks in and just one as far as a Sandra bench. Anyway I fried the OS going for 225 so I installed w2k, then I tryed some 200 and couldn't get into Windows. And Now I can't even BOOT past 188 or so. Very strange, I should have benched some 3D last night while the sucker was running good

The NF7 Died

No clue as to why, it just stoped booting. I have another on the way and see if it will Stay running at the high FSB.


Also für mich reicht das, was Oppainter geschrieben hat, aus, um mich gegen dieses Board zu entscheiden.
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