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Tipp: Wiederherstellung eines AMI BIOS

Old Biker 10.09.2001 - 23:38 520 4

Old Biker

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Eching, Freising
Posts: 3
Recovering A Corrupt AMI Bios

With motherboards that use "Boot Block Bios" it is possible to recover a corrupted bios because the boot block section of the bios, which is responsible for booting the computer remains unmodified. When an AMI bios becomes corrupt the system will appear to start, but nothing will appear on the screen, the floppy drive light will come on and the system will access the floppy drive repeatedly. If your motherboard has an ISA slot and you have an old ISA video card lying around, put he ISA video card in your system and connect the monitor. The boot block section of the bios only supports ISA video cards, so if you don't have an ISA video card or your motherboard does not have ISA slots, you will have to restore your bios blind, with no monitor to show you what's going on.
AMI has integrated a recovery routine into the boot block of the bios, which in the event the bios becomes corrupt can be used to restore the bios to a working state. The routine is called when the system block of the bios is empty.

The restore routine will access the floppy drive looking for a bios file named AMIBOOT.ROM, this is why the floppy drive light comes on and the drive spins. If the file is found it is loaded into the system block of the bios to replace the missing information.

To restore your bios simply copy a working bios file to a floppy disk and rename it AMIBOOT.ROM, then insert it into the computer while the power is on. The disk does not need to be bootable or contain a flash utility. After about four minutes the system will beep four times. Remove the floppy disk from the drive and reboot the computer.

The bios should now be restored


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17908
Des is mir zu kompliziert, wozu gibts denn den Bios Savior.


OC Addicted
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: wien
Posts: 1178
vor allem... wer zum geier hat noch einen "ISA" slot?!?

Old Biker

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Eching, Freising
Posts: 3
Um ISA Slot geht auch gar nicht, hab selber keinen mehr. Die Sache mit der FD und einem 'guten' BIOS File, umbenannt in AMIBOOT.ROM hätte mir zumindest DM 40,- fürs externe Flashen gespart - hätte ich den Tipp schon gehabt. Bei mir ist nach einem misratenen Flash der Fall eingetreten, dass der Bildschirm dunkel blieb das Board nur beeps sendete aber Floppy und HDD anliefen. Es wurde also - wie im Tipp beschrieben - das AMIBOOT.ROM File gesucht.


Seine Dudeheit
Registered: May 2000
Location: Nürnberg vs. Vl..
Posts: 5835
thx old biker, kann durchaus mal nützlich werden
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