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Linux Server in a Windows Domain Enviornment (SLES9)

dio 25.03.2005 - 00:34 748 0


Here to stay
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 4938

For the most part all of the FUD that is being generated today is related to the fact most Network Administrators think that it is too hard for anyone to install a Linux based server as a Windows Authentication/File Server, let alone maintain one. Where is all of this FUD coming from, well a lot of it is coming from Microsoft and other entities that have a vested interest in keeping Open Source Software (OSS) out of the Server space, but some of it is still being generated from the Linux/OSS/Free Software community itself, as you can see in articles like this from slashdot.org.

To fight all of this FUD, this article will try to show you how EASY it is to setup Novell's Suse Linux Enterprise Server as a Window Domain Controller - all by just pointing an clicking - no text editor is required. After implementing these instructions, you will have a fully featured Windows Primary Domain Controller that includes setting up an LDAP user/machine database as well as utilizing Dynamic DHCP and DNS Servers.
Article @ Flexbeta.net

Da Novell vergagenen Sommer einige Linux Technical Resource Kits an Interessierte versandte (darunter einige User auf OC.at) und diese Pakete auch SLES 9 enthalten, ist es sicher für einige interessant, wie man sich imho recht einfach von Windows-only Lösungen trennt.

Siehe auch:
OS Fileserving Performance compared (colo)
Bearbeitet von dio am 25.03.2005, 00:38
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