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Gentoo Linux 1.4 RC4 Out

MorticiaN 15.04.2003 - 12:48 3102 0


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Gentoo Linux 1.4_rc4 Released

Earlier this week, the decision was made to release the next version of Gentoo Linux 1.4 as Release Candidate 4, rather than Final. Improvements to the rc4 release include much better hardware detection on the LiveCD installation disc as well as major updates to various packages in the Portage tree. The decision to issue another release candidate was made due to a number of reasons, including:

* Binary packages required for the Gentoo Reference Platform have yet to be built or tested. Until these are completed, 1.4_final cannot be released.
* The version of baselayout currently marked as "stable" still depends on tmpfs. One of the goals of 1.4 from the beginning was to eliminate baselayout's dependency on tmpfs. There is a masked version of baselayout in Portage that solves this issue, but it has not received adequate testing as of yet. (Anyone using or willing to test this version of baselayout is encouraged to report their results on Gentoo Stable)
* Automated Kernel Building is currently undergoing testing for inclusion in 1.4_final
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