So heute geschehen auf der xorg-Mailingliste: "Jerome Glisse" <> wrote: Over the past couple of months, a small group of people has been working on reverse engineering the r500-based AMD video cards. Everyone involved worked on this in whatever free time they had, which is why this has taken so long.
The code released today is able to initialise and set video modes on rv515 and rv530 (X1300 up to X1600); we still lack proper initialisation for r520 & r580 (X1800 and above, some X1600) because of lack of time and hardware. Of course here is the URL to grab source code: git clone git://
Please note that this is intended only for people interested in working on this and normal users should not try it yet as it actually needs you to add your graphic card pci id in order for it to work. Here is a personal view on the matter:
I would like to take advantage of this announcement to stress that AMD hurt its consumers by not providing specifications of their hardware to the open source community which end up in providing a bad experience to them.
I also believe they are no sensible technical informations in this specifications as proven by others graphics manufacturer who give out specifications: XGI; or good driver source code well documented almost as good as specifications: Intel.
So, AMD, please be respectful of the community and at least give a detailed motivations and reasons for not providing your graphics hardware specifications. I look forward to the day when the open source community will be able to work with AMD for providing to AMD's consumers the best experiences with their hardware on any open source operating systems. Wird vielleicht also doch noch was mit den Schrottkarten. Danke an Jérôme Glisse Daniel Stone Matthew Garrett Oliver McFadden Kyle McMartin die das in ihrer Freizeit moeglich machen. 2 Thumbs up!
hat amd nicht eh in den letzten wochen angekündigt sie bringen sowas raus?
OC Addicted
Ati gibt quelloffene treiber raus ... ja man sieht ja was draus geworden ist, trotzdem ich schließ mich mit weiteren 2 thumbs an
Dann simma schon auf 4
Here to stay
ich schmeiss auch mal meine daumen dazu ich geb die hoffnung ned auf... stand: 6 daumen!
imho leider ein hoffnungsloses Unterfangen. Laut AMD übrigens Some of the technologies supported in our driver are protected by non-disclosure agreements with third parties, so we cannot legally release the complete source code to our driver. Fazit: Wer seine GraKa unter Linux voll nutzen möchte muss einen anderen Hersteller wählen.