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Debian Sarge im Dezember

Philipp 20.08.2003 - 10:35 650 0


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 1970
Anthony Towns hat den Release Plan für die nächste Debian Version veröffentlicht. Wenn alles gut geht sollte Sarge am 1. Dezember erscheinen.


* August 19th (now)

0-day NMUs (as of the 23rd)

Development versions of packages expecting to include
major changes in sarge uploaded to experimental.

Drop the RC bug list by ~150 bugs to ~700
(via removals and fixes)

Beta testing of debian-installer by adventurous users
(subscribe to debian-boot, and try CVS or the images at

Beta testing of upgrades over the network and with sarge
CD images
(available under http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/ . May
be bootable, depending on your luck. Only for the truly

* September 1st

0-day NMUs

Last major changes to toolchain packages

Drop the RC bug list by ~200 bugs to ~500
(via removals and fixes)

HOWTO use debian-installer to install sarge posted to
-devel-announce (volunteers appreciated)

Beta testing of installation with sarge CD images by
adventurous users

* September 15th

Drop the RC bug list by ~150 bugs to ~350
(via better accounting, removals and fixes)

Beta testing of the installation (debian-installer, tasksel,
base-config, package installs, CD images, everything)

debian-installer hackfest at Oldenburg, Germany

Last major changes to major packages uploaded to unstable

* October 1st

Drop the RC bug list by ~150 bugs to ~100
(via removals, fixes and workarounds)

1st test cycle, public request for comments

Last minute fixes and changes to the installer

* October 15th

Drop the RC bug list by ~100 bugs to ~0
(via fixes, workarounds, wishful thinking and ignorance)

Final, last minute, low-risk bug fixes only

Get support for sarge up and running on security.debian.org

2nd test cycle, public request for comments

* November 1st

Get any remaining security bugs patched

3rd and final test cycle, public request for comments

Minimal package updates -- manual approval by RM only

* November 15th

Final tweaks

Minimal package updates -- manual approval by RM only

* December 1st


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