Wunderbare Jahre
NyoMic 20.10.2001 - 22:48 2075 27
Wahh die Sendung gibts nimma. Also was ich mich so erinnere haben sich meine little sisters den Schmarrn in letzter Zeit schon des öfteren reingezogen. Also zumindest im Sommer ist's noch irgendwo gelaufen.
Here to stay
ja ich habs auch vor ein paar wochen noch gesehen! is wirklich l33t die Serie! Hab die letzte Folge glaub ich auch schon mal gesehen!
Marilyn Manson = Paul Pfeifer
Das hat er mehrmals in Interviews bestätigt(zB MTV)
Legend Legend
This site will make sure everyone understands Marilyn Manson. So go ahead and look at the "evil statanic" stuff he believes in and what all he has and hasn't done.
Questions - LIES you've heard about Marilyn Manson 1. Marilyn Manson worships Satan = FALSE 2. Marilyn Manson is Racist = FALSE 3. Marilyn Manson is Gay = FALSE 4. Marilyn Manson molests children = FALSE 5. Marilyn Manson kills chickens & animals at his concerts = FALSE
TRUTH about Marilyn Manson 1. Marilyn Manson is trying to eliminate human stupidity and false belief systems = TRUE 2. Marilyn Manson EXPOSES all the LIES & BULLSHIT about this world with his music = TRUE 3. Marilyn Manson is against the misuse of God = TRUE 4. Marilyn Manson is against people shoving their beliefs down your throat = TRUE 5. Marilyn Manson wants parents to raise their children right = TRUE 6. Marilyn Manson is against drug & alcohol addiction = TRUE 7. Marilyn Manson is teaching his fans how to make it through life with a strong mind = TRUE 8. Marilyn Manson talks about important topics such as World Corruption = TRUE 9. Marilyn Manson kicks ass = TRUE
RUMORS about Marilyn Manson 1. Marilyn Manson removed a rib to suck his own penis. = FALSE 2. Marilyn Manson is the boy with the glasses from the Television show "The Wonder Years" = FALSE
Important Questions 1. Why did Marilyn Manson rip up bibles during his 1996-1997 Antichrist Superstar Tour? 2. Why did he wipe his butt with the American flag?
Ripping up Bibles Marilyn Manson - Politically Incorrect TV SHOW - August 13, 1997 "It's designed to make people think. But the point with the bible or a flag is to say: It's only as valid as you make it in your heart. A piece of paper or a piece of cloth doesn't mean anything. It's what you believe and I want people to think about what they believe. I want them to consider if everything they've been taught, if that's what they want to believe or if that's what they've been told that they have to believe."
Marilyn Manson - Politically Incorrect TV SHOW - August 13, 1997 "I like the bible. I'm just saying I don't like the way people misuse it. Just as much as people could misuse music."
Is Marilyn Manson RACIST? Marilyn Manson - Guitar World Magazine "It's beyond fascism and it's beyond racism and sexism. If you were to say "I like only white people." There's a bunch of white people that suck and make it under the fence and they get a free ride. So I couldn't possibly like only white people. I judge people on their intelligence and on their personality. I think the only thing that counts in the world is what you can contribute to society."
Legend Legend
Marilyn Manson = Paul Pfeifer
Das hat er mehrmals in Interviews bestätigt(zB MTV) Soviel dazu: Fueling Manson's fire is a mist of stories and rumors that surround his life. Some rumors are believable when you look at him but others are far-fetched and Mr. Manson does not separate the truth from the fiction. In one interview he'll deny something where in the next he'll confirm it. For instance in two separate publications he gave interviews to say which rumors are true and which one are false.
Let's take an easy one like when Marilyn was asked if he fired a guitarist for not have sexual relations with him. In Spin Magazine he said that is the exact reason he fired his guitarist and anyone who wants to be in the band will have to have these kind of relations with him. In the Rolling Stone interview however he denied the fact that he fired the guitarist at all and said the guitarist quit to work on his own musical projects. Confusion erupted.
ich glaub das nicht......das kann ja jeder sagen....ich habs von IHM ghört!
Soviel dazu: hmm......dann glaub ich halt garnix mehr.....
Legend Legend
Schau es is ganz einfach:
Paul Pfeiffer heisst im Real Life Josh Saviano (geboren am 31. Maerz 1976).
Marilyn Manson heisst im Real Life Brian Warner (geboren am 5. Jaenner 1969).
Brauchst noch mehr?
also ich fand diese sendung immer fürn AR*** aber bitte geschmäcker sind verschiedn
hmmmm irgendwie auch wahr....wer denkt denn im wahren Leben soooooo lang nach bevor er zur Kommunikation überschreitet????? Und wieso gibts in bestimmten Staffeln den guten alten Paul nicht mehr??? Und wie kann dieser Depp von Wayne am Schluss die Möbelfirma übernehmen???
Fragen über Fragen...-
former person of interest
Do you Voodoo
Ich glaubs erst wenn die DVD im Regal steht... Aber dann mach ich mich auch nass
former person of interest