Serie: Power
Franky Creeps 10.01.2015 - 11:24 1603 0
Komischer Kauz
Power (TV Series 2014– )Story: “Power” tells the story of wealthy New York City nightclub owner, James “Ghost” St. Patrick, who caters to the city’s elite. He wants to build an empire, turn the club into a Fortune 500 business, but there’s just one problem: he is living a double life. When he is not in the club, he is the kingpin of the most lucrative drug network in New York for a very high-level clientele. His marriage, family and business all become unknowingly threatened as he is tempted to leave his criminal life behind and become the rags-to-riches businessman he wants to be most of all. IMDB Rating: 7.8 Super Serie über einen Nachtclub Besitzer (mit nicht legalen Nebengeschäften). War zuerst skeptisch aber mit der Zeit recht gut reingekommen und für gut empfunden.
Bearbeitet von Wyrdsom am 10.01.2015, 11:30