Gaspar Noé’s Love
Nico 10.02.2015 - 12:12 2687 4
former person of interest
Love (2015)Directed by Gaspar Noé. With Guillaume Campanacci. A sexual melodrama about a boy and a girl and another girl. It's a love story, which celebrates sex in a joyous way. Link: Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2015: #8. Gaspar Noé’s LoveLove Director: Gaspar Noé // Writer: Gaspar Noé The most controversial director in our top ten list has to be Argentinean director Gaspar Noé, who has made an infamous name for himself with a trio of French titles, beginning with 1998’s I Stand Alone, which starred a grizzled Philippe Nahon (who many should recognize for an equally unsettling role in Aja’s 2003 film High Tension) as a butcher spiraling into a violent rampage. But it was Noe’s 2002 title, Irreversible, which still makes entries on many lists documenting the most shocking or disturbing films ever made, thanks mostly to a nine minute rape scene featuring Monica Bellucci. And if we thought he couldn’t outdo himself there, Noe managed to do so with controversial Enter the Void (2009), in which the soul of a drug dealer is our guide through the underbelly of Tokyo, starring Paz de la Huerta in a terribly underrated performance. Taking several years between features, aficionados of Noe’s [...] Link: Bin gespannt.
Here to stay
boa ey - ich kenn sowohl irréversible, als auch enter the void, und beide sind auf ihre art schräg und aufwühlend. Bin gespannt. +1
knows about the birb
Brrrr. Irreversible war heftig. Man darf gespannt sein.
16 bit herz
menschenfeind finde ich auch recht grenzwertig. nix für schwache nerven.
former person of interest
Love - Movie Trailers - iTunesJanuary 1st, early morning. The telephone rings. Murphy wakes up next to his young wife and 2-year-old child. He listens to his voicemail: Electra's mother, sick with worry, wants to know whether he has heard from her daughter. Electra's been missing for a long time. She's afraid something really bad has happened to her. Over the course of an endless rainy day, Murphy finds himself alone in his apartment, reminiscing about the greatest love affair of his life, his two years with Electra. A burning passion full of promises, games, excesses and mistakes... Link: