"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

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Spikx 30.08.2004 - 13:22 2185 38


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Sammo Hung macht Regie.
der Film wird so floppen in den USA


Registered: Sep 2002
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David Hasselhof ist sowieso hauptsächlich in Europa ein Star. Na egal. Ich hoff der Film wird was und ich will auf jedenfall einen TransAm sehen und kein pseudo-scifi-kitt-future-replika


Here to stay
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wien
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Zitat von CitizenX
hast wirklich bock auf eine forsetzung von dem ?

nap, aber da der mr. knight ja nix mit denen zu tun hat wirds sich um was anderes drehn!

team knght rider war einfach ein besseres powerrangers :D


Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Disneyland
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Zitat von dosensteck
team knght rider war einfach ein besseres powerrangers :D
besseres ?


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 9822
knight rider war einfach die kult serie schlecht hin....mit davids im wind wehenden haaren konnten nicht mal die im lauf wackelnden titten von baywatch mithalten.

aber ob der film was wird......weiss net so recht...anschauen werd ich ihn mir aber :D


The Oilman
Registered: Aug 2004
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Zitat von iCA-
....mit davids im wind wehenden haaren konnten nicht mal die im lauf wackelnden titten von baywatch mithalten.

in den Wind geweht ???

Da sind glaub ich 2 Dosen Haarfestiger drinn , wenns glangt :D


Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Southside-OÖ
Posts: 404

war ja schon so schlimm


social assassin
Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 12118
knight rider = i love it
knight rider movie = war ok
team knight rider = WÄÄÄÄÄÄH weg damit
neues knight rider movie = ich bin skeptisch

Was den film angeht, hab ich noch etwas informatives für euch:

A couple of days ago, David had a short conversation with "Empire Online" in London about the "Knight Rider"-movie: "Right now we're still working on a script. The first couple of scripts came in and just weren't what we wanted. We want to get it right because there's a lot of people waiting for 'Knight Rider'. I'm definitely going to get back behind the wheel but we're also bringing in a young kid, probably to play my son." And he also said: "We've been talking about bringing 'Nick Fury' back for a long time. There was some talk at one time of 'Nick Fury' getting involved with the' X-Men'." Thanks to Tanja Depper for the article.

David Hasselhoff was interviewed about his career on the "Jonno & Harriet Breakfast Show" on London's "Heart 106.2". Here is what he said: "Definitely doing another Knight Rider, we're working on the movie right now. We had a big deal with a big studio but they wanted to kind of turn it into a farce like 'Starsky & Hutch' and I said no. 'Starsky & Hutch' and 'Knight Rider' are different. 'Knight Rider' has such a major following. You cannot turn your fame back on the fans because guys will riot. I mean, this is stuff that people grew up with. And so I want to bring a bit of a cool new 'Knight Rider' in with a new car but also at the end Michael Knight comes in with the old 'K.I.T.T.' and saves the day. I'm probably going to be taking over the Devon character, and have my son be like the 'Knight Rider'. I mean, I can't go anywhere, anywhere in the world, it really is ten-to-one 'Knight Rider'! It's just all 'Knight Rider'. 'Baywatch' was huge and still is the worldwide number one after eleven years, but 'Knight Rider' was the one that really affected people because they were kids that grew up with it." About the casting: "We haven't really pursued it, my kids keep saying 'Dad, Orlando Bloom! He's so cute! Orlando Bloom!' They just want to meet him, you know. I was thinking more like Colin Hanks, I just got done working with Tom Hanks' son, he's kind of a Tobey Maguire-type. I like to have something like that, play against type."


Here to stay
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 5609
Zitat von Punisher
besseres ?

naja die "explosionen" sind realistischer gewessen usw.

aber powerrangers ist halt kompletter crap und team knight rider war halt nur crap
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