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[DVD] Re-cycle (Gwai wik)

blood 11.10.2009 - 05:28 848 0


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9295

Regie: The Pang Brothers (The Eye)

After writing three best-sellers about love story based on her own experiences, the successful writer Tsui Ting-Yin is without inspiration and having difficulties to write her new novel in the horror genre entitled "Re-cycle". While drafting the text, spooky events happen at her apartment. When Tsui sees a supernatural long-haired character of her book, she follows him and is trapped in his world of terror.

startet als standard-horrorstreifen, verwandelt sich danach in eine surreale reise auf den spuren von silent hill, und endet im fantasy-genre. großartige und verstörende visuals und zum abschluss mehr offene fragen als beantwortete - sowas bietet nur das asiatische kino.

für horror-, fantasy- und silent hill-fans.
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